Brothers Charles Ezekiel Wilkins & Thomas Wilkins

Submitted by:

Richard F. Wilkins
4237 Macarthur Street
Jacksonville, FL 32207-6701

Charles Ezekiel (Zeke) Wilkins enlisted in the 9th Indiana Infantry Volunteers August 27, 1861 at LaPorte, Indiana. He is listed as killed at the Battle of Chickamauga on September 19, 1863, and we have government documentation to attest to that. However, he is mistakenly listed in the government papers as Charles C. and in other places as Charles A.

I searched the record book in vain for his name at the Chickamauga battle ground and at the National Cemetary in Chattanooga. The 9th Indiana Infantry was at Chickamauga but Charles' isn't listed. I suspect that he was possibly killed previous to Chickamauga and the records just got misdirected. He was nineteen years of age at his death from a "shell wound".

He was the son of Harvey Uriah who is listed in the 1860 Cencus of Pittsburg, Carrol County, Indiana as Harvey U. Wilkins - age 38 - miller. In that census Charles is listed as age 19 but he had to be only 17 at that time.

Charles' brother, Thomas, enlisted February 3, 1865 at Muncie, Indiana. I can barely read the print but it looks like I 47th Regt. Company F. He was mustered out at Cumberland, Maryland on July 20, 1865.