Wisconsin Wilkins in the Civil War

If you have any Wilkins ancestors from Wisconsin who served in the Civil War, and have any photos, stories, letters, or information that you would like to share, email Marilee. civilwar@wilkinslinks.org

Submitted by: Wayne M. Wilkins

Arvine C. Wilkins was my great grandfather, and was in the Civil War. He entered in Jan.1, 1862 in Madison, Wisconsin. Discharged in July 16, 1865. He was in Co.K 12th Regiment. I'm looking for more infromation, before the date of Jan. 1862. and after July 1865 till June 10, 1882 when he married a Mary E. Smith / Vaux. She was married to him in Manson Iowa, then moved to Missouri in 1894 which is when my grand father Henry L. Wilkins was born. Arvine had to die somewhere around 1900- 1904 ? If anyone has anymore infro. please contact me.