My Research:
Contact: jake9999@msn.comLooking for information on Wilkins family of Sussex Co, NJ. John Wilkins m. Susannah Riggs 1804 in Vernon, NJ. Children: James (m. Hannah Ferguson), William (m. Christian DeKay), Zenas, Sybil(m. ? Woodhull/hole), Hannah (m. Erastus Rood), Jemima/Mimi(m. John Boist), Francis (m. Laura ?), Jesse, Joseph (my ancestor). Joseph Wilkins m. Celestia Johnson Aug. 30,1838, Steuben Co, NY. It seems some of the family moved to Walworth Co, WI; Susannah died there Nov 14, 1851 and that is where Joseph and Celestia made their home. Any information on John's parents/siblings would be appreciated.
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