Richard W. Wilkins

Submitted by:

1850 Census Florida, Leon County shows David Wilkins, 30, Farmer born in Georgia. Wife P.(identified as "Pencey" in Lucy Wilkins Confederate Pension Application), 24 born in Georgia Son R.H. 2, born Florida, and Henry, 4, born in Florida.

Confederate Pension Application (Floriday State Archives) applied for by Lucy Perry, Hillsborough Cty, 1926, Pg 14, shows H (Henry) W Wilkins and Richard W. Wilkins are the same person. He is known as R H Wilkins (census), Henry W Wilkins (Confederate army)and Richard W. Wilkins (at marriage).

According to the 26 pages of correspondence in the Confederate Pension Application, Richard joined the Confederate army, Villapiquas Company, Light Artillary, Floriday Regement, in Thomas County, Georgia on Dec 26, 1863 when he was 15. He was mustered out in Tallahasse Florida on May 18,1865 when the war ended.

Marion G. Jeffcote is Richards's step father, Gluver Jeffcoate his half brother, and Joshua Taylor his uncle and Richard Taylor his first cousin.