You start off in an elevator with Natalya, and in the easy
mission, you simply stroll out and shoot everyone in the cave.
But it changes in the medium and hard levels. There are three
vicious guard guns placed high on the walls, and the first time in
medium mode, you won't know what hit you.
Run out of the elevator to the wall in front of you. Kill the three
soldiers who run at you. The first automatic machine gun is
tough, but there is a spot where you can shoot it without it
seeing you. The second one is in the middle of the room, so
stay covered in your first hiding place across from the elevator.
The third one is the nastiest because it's high and right around
the corner. Once you've taken it out, there are two soldiers just
behind it and one behind you in the area where the computer
controls are. Kill them. Get Natalya and she'll open a door for
you. A few guards will appear in the distance. Kill them from a
distance. Farther on is a room full of soldiers with big guns and
grenades. Oooooh. Pick them off one by one, careful of
grenades. back up if you hear that awful clinking sound. In the
medium and hard levels, there are many more grenades.
When they're all gone, instead of taking their stuff, go down the
stairs to the room where you knocked of those two guys from
a distance. There are weapons, and timed mines. Ahhhhhh.
Now enter into that crate-filled area and pick up all of that
lovely ammo. At the far side is a path, and four guards will
bottleneck there for you to kill. If not, two will, and two will
wait just outside to the right.
You're in a pump room. Go up the stairs. Ascend the stairs,
open the door, and back up a few steps. Soldiers will line up to
get shot. There should be four, maybe five. Once that area is
cleared, go down the stairs, open the door and check around
the area for soldiers. Boris is in front of you at a computer
console. Let him go, and make sure NOT to kill him. If you do,
Natalya will quit the mission. He'll pull a gun on you, and then
drop it like a goof, and then run away. Don't bother with him.
Just for fun, follow Boris to a caged area upstairs that contains
body armor. He'll disappear into the rocks!
Stick mines on the two mainframes and blow them up. This
should kill the two soldiers upstairs. Go upstairs and to the end
of each hallway and stick mines on the mainframes. Blow them
up. There are two more.
Go back down to the main floor and head toward the only
door you haven't opened. One of two giant turrets will shoot
from the distance and three to four soldiers, guarding a
mainframe, will run toward you. Pass in front of the door to let
the soldiers know you're there, and then wait for them to come
to you. After, angle yourself so that you can just see a piece of
the turret on the right, but so that the gun can't actually shoot
you. Take out the second one.
Don't enter yet. In medium, on each side of the door are two
more turrets aimed at you. Open the door and run straight
ahead fast. You can avoid getting hit. In the easy level the
staircases above the turrets didn't make any sense, but in the
medium level, they do. Ascend the stairs and duck down so
that you see a piece of the gun. It can't shoot you, but you can
blow it up. Perform this same task for both sides. You can also
shoot down the turrets from the rooms nearest them, using
boxes to protect you.
Walk out and before ascending the staircase. Go to the main
part of the room with the computers in it. Take out the side
computers, leaving the two center ones alone. Now, facing the
big screen, ascend the spiral stairs on the right and walk to a
small door in a rocky area. Walk down and get Natalya. If
you're really fast, you'll have to wait for her. Lead her to the
main computer area, to the central monitor.
Natalya will start working on the computer but she'll sound the
alarm. Reload your guns and position yourself in the middle of
the monitor section, facing Natalya. What you're doing is
getting the best possible angle on the soldiers who will come
flooding down the stairs. From your spot you can hit all of them
and completely miss Natalya, who's in the center. We haven't
found a better way than this. Be democratic with all the
soldiers. They'll flood down two to three at a time. Kill each
one off, and don't let anyone get too close to Natalya. Your
objective is to protect her, and if she dies, you'll have to start
the mission over. A door to your right (the double door that
didn't open up before), will leak a few soldiers and they'll bust
through the big glass screens. This is the hardest part of the
game, almost.
When she finally overrides the computer (and it takes forever),
Natalya will flee. Don't follow her. With your back to the main
screen, take a right, then another right at the previously locked
double doors. Make sure your guns are loaded. You'll now be
way outnumbered. Enter and like before, be democratic with
your lead (i.e. kill everyone). Run and gun. Pass through the
first room (a locker room with a body vest in it). Take a right
and another right behind a stack of crates. behind them is a
small room containing the last mainframe. Reload and blow
away the two guards there. Prepare for another onslaught from
the door you just entered. Switch to your last mine or two,
throw it on the glass encasing the mainframe, strafe to the
farthest corner, and then switch back to the Duetsche. You
should have completed the last mission, except escape. Be
wary of each door opening and guards coming in. Head out the
way you entered. Go straight out and take a right in medium
and hard. For easy, take a left and head out the far exit. A
double door should lead to an elevator that will take you out.
The main principles of beating this level are rather simple, ol'
chap. 1. Find the computer console that controls the satellite
dish and destroy it. 2. Follow closely behind Trevelyan once
you find him. He will run from you the entire level, occasionally
stopping to shoot or double back. By staying as close to him,
you'll reach your goal faster, which to settle the score (i.e. kill
him, difficult to guess that one, wasn't it?).
You start off on a cul-de-sac wing. Back up to your left and
pick up a piece of body armor and then run forward along the
hanging bridge in front of you. Pick the center of the path with
your PP7 and, without using the site, start shooting. You will hit
an enemy soldier running toward you. Pick up his two ZMGs
and keep running, because at the top of the wing are at least
three more soldiers just like him. Kill them and grab their guns.
Turn left, run to the staircase to the center platform, and
descend. Half way to the first descending staircase you'll
discover Trevelyan has set the auto destruct to explode. You
have three minutes to turn it off.
That at least helps to set your priorities straight. So, go to the
first platform, making sure to kill the single guard, take the
staircase on the left down to the lower platform, and you'll see
two shacks. Go left; the computer console is in it. The door will
be open. There are at least two guards, each packing.
Be careful not to enter right away. Trick the soldiers to come
out by running in front of the door and then getting out of the
way. An automatic machine gun is aimed at the door. When
you are ready, point your gun up, target, and blast away.
Another auto machine gun is inside. It won't set be set off until
you're more than half way in. Step in about three steps and
shoot the remaining guys, if there are any. Always check your
back, too. New soldiers will run down the steps when you're
not looking.
A giant piece of machinery is to your left; behind it is the
computer console. You should have more than a minute left.
Blow the second turret up and then hustle to the other side of
the machine. You'll see the computer console. Shoot it to stop
the antennae and the cradle from blowing up. Objective A is
Trevelyan is next. A few more guards will approach you from
the door you entered. Kill them, and get used to taking a little
bit of damage. You now need a body vest. Leave the shack
from he door you entered and go to the other shack, which is
nearly identical inside. Swing around the machine and pick up
the body armor.
Head back to the other shack. Settling the score with
Trevelyan means that you chase him across the entire cradle at
least once. The biggest trick to this chase is to stay as close as
possible to him. He'll run around the cradle at least twice if
you're decent. He stops inside the shack, at the bottom of the
staircase beneath the shack, and at the top of the cradle to
shoot at you.
He will eventually run to the very bottom of the cradle, to the
antennae. He'll drop down to the antennae platform, a mere 10
feet across, and then sneak up on you. Get out your biggest,
fastest gun (duh, the ZMG), and make sure it's fully loaded
before you jump down. He'll immediately start shooting. Reply
with as many shots as fast as possible. You'll have to knock
him off the antennae to win this battle (or settle the score, as
the game says). If you're left standing and he falls off, you win
the battle and beat the game. Yahoo!
Now you can beat the game on the medium and hard levels if
you dare. By beating the 18th level in the most difficult mode,
you will open up the 19th level. If you beat the 19th level, you
will open up the 20th level. If you beat that in the most difficult
level, you'll open up the 007 mode, enabling you to modify
enemy control, like health, accuracy, etc.