Bunker 1
At the start open the door directly in front of you. Look through ther right window on the door.
Using silenced PP7, shoot the camera on the wall. A guard will come and open the door. Kill him.
Now exit through the door he opened, and go to the right. Do not go down the stairs. Shoot the
guard from the top of the stairs. Get his key and then go back into the room you started in. Go
through the door you didn't go in before that is in the room you started in. Turn right and
immediately shoot the camera on the wall(If the alarm goes off at any time during the level, restart
the level). Open the door that is to your right, but don't go out. Peek around the corner until you can
just see a guard standing there. Shoot him and then peek out down the hall to the bottom of the
stairs. If guards are running at you, go back in the room and wait for them to get top you. Shoot
them all when they get to you. If the guards are not coming for you, go left and peek around the next
corner and shoot the camera. Now turn the corner and shoot all the guards back in this area using
the silenced PP7. Now go to the stairs at the bottom of the room and shoot the guards. Kill them
until they stop coming. Go down the stairs and peek around the corner to the left to see if the room
is clear. If it isn't Kill them using the KF-soviet and aiming at their head. Now zoom in with your
KF-soviet on the glass wall in the back right side of the room. aim and shoot the camera, using one
shot at a time only(You don't want the guards to here you). Then shoot the guard using one shot at a
time(aim at his head). Now go to the right corner of the entrance and peek around to the stairs here.
You should see a guard at ground level through the stairs(unless he already came after you),kill him.
now look into the room that the stairs lead to but don't go up. Aim and shoot the guard/s you can
see. Two or three more will come down the stairs. Be ready for them and kill them. Every guard in
this room should be dead now. Now walk over to the desk and pick up the Goldeneye key. Press
start and switch to your key analyzer. Press the trigger button twice(copying it, and discarding the
original)and Press start again. This time switch to your camera. Turn and look at the main video
screen and press the trigger. If you had the whole screen in view it will say Objective Completed. If
it doesn't say this move a little and take another picture until it does. Now walk over to Boris, he
should lead you to the computer room. Switch to KF soviet. Follow him to the computer room. Kill
everyone in the room but don't hit Boris. When they are all dead and he is working on the
computer, switch to data thief. Right when the alarm goes off Press the trigger button on the
mainframe. Switch back to your KF-soviet. Now exit through the sliding glass doors wounding or
killing anyone in your way. and blow up the alarm on the wall. Exit trough the door and that's it.