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By Tim A. Andryk and Randle L. Jurewicz

At the August 25, 1999 meeting in Hayward, WI., the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board (NRV) requested that the Wolf Advisory Committee add a section to the Wolf Management Plan that would address the regulations necessary to implement a public wolf harvest seasons in Wisconsin.

The purpose of the public wolf harvest is to control the state wolf population at a management goal of 350.

The following draft statutory and administrative rule language are submitted for discussion purposes to indicate the types of issues that will need to be agreed upon in order to have a public harvest season.

The Wisconsin State Legislature would need to pass legislation to create the Statutory authority for the WDNR to have a limited public harvest of the wolves. In addition to these Statutory changes, the WDNR would need to promulgate Administrative Rules. The normal process to develop wildlife harvest regulations is for the WDNR to draft a proposed rule and request authority from the Natural Resources Board to hold a public hearing on it. Following NRB approval the public hearing for wildlife harvest rules are conducted in conjunction with the Conservation Congress spring meetings in every county of the state on the second Monday in April at 7 p.m. The WDNR would return to the Natural Resources Board with a final rule proposal and report the results of the spring hearings during the June NRB meeting.

Members of the public will have an opportunity to have input into the original draft of the proposed rule at the spring hearings and again at the Natural Resources Board meeting on the final rule.

* In order to implement a wolf season, a federal rule change is needed to remove the gray wolf from the federal endangered and threatened species list. (currently listed as federally endangered) and a state rule change is needed to remove the gray wolf from the state threatened species list. Additional state statute and state rule changes for a controled wolf hunting and trapping season are listed below. The componenets of this potential wolf hunting and trapping season are:

* Restrictions to Wisconsin residents;
* Application fee of $10;
* License fee of $100;
*License issued to one person only once in a lifetime;
* Mandatory successful completion of a wolf hunting and ecology course taught by WDNR-designated instructors;
* Hunting methods which could include predator calling, or hunting with dogs
* Fifty percent of permits available for the Chippewa Ceded Territory to be reserved for Chippewa Tribal Harvest.
* Once wolf hunting with dogs is implemented damage payments for dogs killed by wolves will no longer be paid on dogs used in any hunting or training. Reimbursement payments would continue to be made for wolf depredation on pets on homesteads.



Appropriation 20.370(1)(gf) Wolf Management and Damage Claims. All monies received under xx.29563(15) and 29.595(4) to be used for the wolf management, wolf education programs and payment of wolf damage claims under s29.889(7)(d), Stats.

29.184 is created to read:

29.184. Wolf Licenses. (1). Department Authority. The department may regulate and limit the number of wolf hunters or wolf trappers, or both, and may limit the maximum harvest of wolves in any area of the state.

(2). License Required. (a). No person may hunt or trap wolves in any area of the state unless they are a resident who has obtained a wolf license, or they have obtained a removal permit under s.29.885.

(b). No person may hunt or trap wolves in any area of the state without obtaining a certificate of accomplishment for successfully completing a wolf education course under s.29.595.

(c). No person may apply for a wolf license or preference for a wolf license without paying the wolf license application fee under s.29.653(15).

(3). License Issuance. (a). If the number of qualified applications for wolf licenses, minus the licenses set-aside under par. (c), the department shall select applicants to be issued wolf licenses based upon a cumulative preference system. This system shall award a preference point for each applicant who applied for but was not issued a wolf license for a given season, with the highest priority for licenses given to those with the most preference points. The department shall also award a preference point to each individual who is selected for a license but declines to pay the required fee for a wolf license or who applies for a preference point for a given seasons, rather than the license. A person needs to apply for a license or preference point at least once during any three year period in order to maintain their cumulative preference.

(b). The department shall issue a notice of approval to those qualified applicants selected to receive a wolf license. A person who receives a notice of approval and who pays the required license fee shall be issued a wolf license.

(c). The department may set aside up to 10% of the available wolf licenses each year to be sold through an auction or bidding process to the highest bidder.

(4). Use of Fees. All fees received by the department under this section shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370(1)(gf) to be used for wolf management, wolf education programs and payment of wolf damage claims under s.29.889(7)(d).

(5). Carcass Tag and Registration.
(a). The department shall issue a wolf carcass tag to each person who is issued a wolf license. A person who kills a wolf shall immediately validate and attach the carcass tag to the wolf in the manner prescribed by the department.

(b). A person who kills a wolf, shall transport and register the wolf with the department in the manner prescribed by department rule. The department may keep the wolf carcass but the hollder of the carcass tag shall be allowed to retain the hide or pelt.

(6). Back Tag. The department shall issue a back tag to each person who is issued a wolf license. No person may hunt or trap wolves unless there is attached to the center of the person's coat, shirt, jacket or similar outermost garment where it can be clearly seen the back tag issued to the person under par. (a).

(7). Use of Dogs. While a person is using a dog to hunt to assist in trapping wolves the person shall keep on his or her person any tag required for the dog under ss.95.21(2)(f), 174.053(2) or 174.07(1)(e).

29.563(15) is created to read:

29.563(15). Wolf License.
(a). License: $100.00
(b). Application fee: $10.00

29.595 is created to read:

29.595. Wolf Education Program.
(1). Establishment Contents.
(a). The department shall establish a wolf education program. The department shall conduct these courses of instruction in cooperation with qualified individuals, organizations, groups, corporations, and federal, state and local government entities.

(b). The wolf education program shall provide a course of instruction that includes all of the following:
1. History and recovery of wolves in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes States.
2. Wisconsin's wolf census methods and opportunities to volunteer in census efforts.
3. Traditional European and Native American view of wolves.
4. Wolf social structure and pack interaction.
5. Wolf depredation.
6. Hunter and trapper ethics.
7. Harvest methods including trapping, predator calling, and hunting with dogs.
8. Map reading skills.

(c). The department shall appoint wolf education program instructors based on criteria established by the department. These appointees are responsible to the department and shall serve on a voluntary basis without compensation.

(2). Instruction fee. The department shall establish by rule a fee for the course of instruction under the wolf education program. An instructor conducting the course shall collect the fee from each person receiving instruction. The department may authorize an instructor to retain up to 50% of the fee to defray expenses incurred by the instructor conducting the course. The instructor shall remit the remaining portion, or if nothing is retained the entire fee to the department.

(3). Certificate Accomplishment. The department shall issue a certificate of accomplishment without charge to a person who successfully completes the course of instruction under the wolf education program and who pays the required instruction fee. The department shall issue a duplicate certificate of accomplishment to a person who is entitled to a duplicate certificate of accomplishment. The department shall establish by rule the fee for duplicate approval.

(4). Use of Fees. All fees received by the department under this section shall credited to the appropriation under s.20.370(1)(gf) to be used for wolf management, wolf education programs and payment of wolf damage claims under s.29.889(7)(d).

29.889(1)(f) is created to read:

29.889(1)(f) Wolves if hunting and trapping of wolves is authorized by the Department.

29.971(11s) is created to read:

29.971(11s). (a). Hunting, trapping, shooting, shooting at, setting traps for, taking, catching or possessing a wolf without a valid wolf license, or for possessing a wolf which does not have a carcass tag attached or possessing a wolf during the closed season, by a fine of not less than $1,000 or more than $2,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months or both for the first violation, and by a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment not more than one year or both for the any subsequent violation, and in addition, the court shall revoke all hunting and trapping approvals issued to the person under this chapter and shall prohibit issuance of any new hunting and trapping approvals under the chapter to the......

Proposed Administrative Rule Changes for a Wolf Hunting and Trapping Season.

NR 10.01(3)(1) IS CREATED TO READ:

Kind of animal and locality Open Season Limit
(1) Wolf
1. Hunting
a. All deer management units as described in a. NR 10.28 for which a wolf harvest quota has been established under s. NR 10.41.
Beginning on the Saturday nearest October 15 and continuing through December 31 One wolf per carcass tag issued. The possession limit corresponds to the number of carcass tags issued.
1. Trapping
a. All deer management units as described in s. NR 10.28 for which a wolf harvest quota has been established under s. NR 10.41
Beginning on the Saturday nearest October 15 and continuing through December 31 One wolf per carcass tag issued. The possession limit corresponds to the number of carcass tags issued.


NR 10.41 Wolf Harvest.

(a) Authorization. No person may hunt or trap wolves unless he or she possesses a valid license and carcass tag issued by the department.
(b) Permit application procedures. Personal applying to hunt or trap wolves shall apply for a wolf license as follows:
1. Application for a wolf license shall be made on an application form provided by the department.
2. All applications shall be postmarked no later than the dead-line dates indicated on the application form or received by the department license section no later than 4:30 p.m. on those dates to be considered for selection.
Note: The department conducts extensive publicity on the application deadlines beginning several months prior to any deadline. Application deadline dates are published in news releases, hunting license outlet handouts, and pertinent hunting regulation pamphlets. The department license section address is 101 South Webster St., P. O. Box 7924, Madison, WI 53707.
(c) License selection procedures for oversubscribed units.
If the number of applications for licenses for a management unit exceeds the number of available licenses in that unit, successful applicants shall be randomly selected according to the preference system established in s.29.184. Stats.
(d) Carcass tag issuance. 1. "Oversubscribed units'. Each successful applicant for a wolf license shall be issued a carcass tag by the department.
2. "Undersubscribed units'. If the number of applications is less than the available licenses for a management unit, the department may:
a. Randomly issue successful applicants additional carcass tags; or
b. Make available to any person the remaining licenses for the unit on a first-come, first-serve basis; or
c. Use both procedures described in subd.2.a. and b.
(e) Permit and carcass tag restrictions. 1. Licences and carcass tags issued under this section are only valid for the unit indicated on the license during the open season established for wolves.
2. Licenses or carcass tags issued under this section may not be transferred to or used by any person other than the permittee.

(a) Carcass tag use. When a wolf is killed and before it is carried by hand or transported in any manner, the hunt shall:
1. Immediately validate the carcass tag in the manner indicated by the department on the carcass tag. Failure to follow the validation procedure in this manner invalidates the tag.
2. Completely attach and seal the carcass tag around the leg of the wolf in the manner indicated by the department on the carcass tag.
(b) Transportation and possession. No person may possess or transport a wolf unless the person has lawfully killed and tagged it.

(3) HARVEST QUOTA. The number of wolf licenses or carcass tags issued annually for units described in s.NR 10.28 shall be based on the annual wolf harvest quotas established for these units. The department shall base its determination of the annual harvest quota for each unit upon:
(a) The estimated size and distribution of wolf populations.
(b) Trends in wolf hunter and wolf trapper numbers and success rates.
(c) A maximum allowable harvest is the number of wolves above the mid-winter population goal of 350 that are determined by the department under sub(3), to be available for harvest in fall.

(4) SEASON CLOSURE. The secretary of the department may close a portion or all of the wolf season established in s.NR 10.01, upon a finding by the department that the harvest for that season will exceed the level authorized by the department. Closure shall become effective upon issuance of an order and publication in the official state newspaper.

(5) PROHIBITED METHODS. No person may (a) Hunt or shoot a wolf using bait as defined in s.NR 10.01(2)

(a) Identification. No person shall hunt or pursue wolves with any dog unless such dog is tattooed or wears a collar with the owner's name and address attached.
(b) Training. The training of dogs by pursuing wolves is prohibited.
(c) Pack size. No more than 6 dogs in a single pack may be used to pursue wolves regardless of the number of wolf hunters assisting the wolf harvest licensee and regardless of the dog ownership.
Note: Only a wolf hunting licensee with a wolf carcass tag may pursue wolves in accordance with the regulations in this chapter.
(d) Dog replacement. Until the maximum of 6 dogs are released in pursuit of a wolf, dogs may be added to the pack. However, no dogs engaged in the pursuit of such wolf may be replaced by another dog.


c. Deer, wolf, or bear may be hunted with handguns loaded with .357, .41 and .44 magnum caliber cartridges or any other caliber handgun chambered for commercially manufactured cartridges which produce a minimum muzzle energy of 1000 foot pounds. Such handguns shall have a minimum barrel length of 5 1/2 inches measured from the muzzle to the firing pin with the action closed.

NR 10.09(1)(e)1.c IS AMENDED TO READ:
(E) Handguns. Persons possessing a class A or C disabled permit may use handguns chambered for .410 or larger shot shells for hunting all species except deer, wolf, bear, turkey and migratory game birds.

NR 10.09(3)(c) IS AMENDED TO READ:

(c) Arrow standards. Use, possess or have under control while deer, wolf, or bear hunting, any arrow with a metal broad-head blade less than seven-eights of an inch in width. Such broadhead blades must be well-sharpened.

NR 10.09(3)(d) IS AMENDED TO READ:

(d) Bow size. Hunt deer, wolf, or bear with a bow having a pull of less than 30 pounds.