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If people destroy something replaceable made by mankind, they are called vandals; if they destroy something irreplaceable made by God, they are called developers.
                                                             ~~ Joseph Wood Krutch

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Have you ever had the feeling you were in a dream? Taking an inventory of our situation in the US regarding all aspects of leaves a dismal picture of what is yet to come.

Being a wildlife advocate I've surprised myself at the sudden turn towards politics. Sorry subject for conversation, eh? However, being at the mid-point in my life and having a fair idea of the many ramifications of war - suddenly my thoughts remain focused on the Bush regime.

Several people have approached me on the issue of "anti-war protests". Some don't want to discuss the impending war...they would rather pretend it won't happen. Others, out of fear. in my opinion. say it is anti-american to protest against war. Why is that? Since when was it deemed unamerican to exercise our God given right to peaceful protest?

Well, let me explain. Protestors, at least since the Bush regime has been in office, are given a taped off area .i.e. "corral". If they dare to venture even to the edge of that coral....they are arrested and put in jail. Bear in mind, civil-peaceful protestors, American citizens that do not agree with war, are barred from any area remotely near Bush, media, other citizens...why? - hmmm that's the puzzling part. We used to see protestors exercising their Constitutional rights speaking out against a senseless war. Things are different now. As Americans .... unless you completely and without question agree and cheer on the Bush regime and his dicatatorship - you are corded off where you have "no voice".

Last week I heard a group of college students speaking on late night television. The one young man made a public announcement to our overseas allies - or at least they used to be. This young fella appealed to our friends abroad asking that they try to understand it was not of our doing this cruel war but rather enforced by the administration. He said we have raised our voices but no one hears - no one hears because we no longer have a voice. In my heart I knew exactly how that young man felt at that moment.

Let me get something straight from the get go - I am NOT unamerican. I love this country; I feel blessed to have the freedoms that other countries have so long lived without. However, the forces that have swept through our government have re-written the laws of our forefathers. They have changed the face of democracy. They have removed our privacy, our priviliges and our rights as American citizens. Yet...we sit by turning a blind eye and commit ourselves totally to the Bush regime that cares nothing for the little people - his only concern are the wealthy corporations.

It has been said the anti-war rallies around the world have far surpassed the ones on the Vietnam War. Common sense would explain why people stand in the cold, the snow for endless hours hoping their voice and presence would be heard and acknowledged. That is not the case - not with the Bush regime.

We are still in the heat of the war in Afghanistan. That was a necessary war. Now Bush is beating his drums for an immediate war on Iraq - why? Why kill thousands of innocent women and children in Iraq? Moreover, why is he commiting our children to a war where they run the definite risk of chemical warfare? For what? Seems to me N. Korea poses a much more important threat. They "have" nuclear [nu-cl-er] bombs. They are quite capable of delivering them to the borders of the US. YET, Bush remains solely focused on Iraq. Could it be personal? Could it even remotely be that there is oil to be had in those Iraqi fields? Or, just maybe, that he has a vendetta to fulfill for daddy? Whatever the reason - it is NOT due to an immediate threat to our country.

Today I hear on CNN news that the Bush regime is now looking at nuclear fields in "Iran". Iraq, N. Korea, Iran ??? Do you remember Osama bin Laden? The most wanted man on the FBI list? The man who gave the ok for terrorists to hijack planes and kills over 3,000 Americans and many of that number from other countries. What became of that "task" set out by the Bush regime? I hope you'll also note that when things get too hot in one area, Bush makes sure the media swings the attention of Americans to another subject....just as he did with Enron. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Wake up America. We are no longer living under a democracy. We are now in the hands of a dictator, a madman that will not stop until the face of the earth is changed to fit into his "new world order" picture he has in that small mind of his.

For those of you that wish to turn a blind eye, I can only say "shame on you". I may be outspoken, but I am certainly not unamerican. The thought that one person, a self-elected arrogant, spoiled little man can reshape the face of the wonderful world we've all grown to love - makes me sick. Our economy is shot; the deficit is heading into the 300 trillions; our protection for wildlife and wild lands has been striped by Bush and Gail Norton; our lifetime allies abroad no longer look to us as an admired country; the majority of the world hates Americans now; we have now mixed government and religous institutes which has never been done before; yours and my Constitutional Rights have been removed by Bush and Ashcroft; and the list goes on.

Food for thought before I go - did you know that Bush and his regime are "tapping the phones at the UN"??? Well, they are. Do you know that ever purchase you make with a credit card is going into a national databank and straight into Bushs hands? is. Did you also know that the FBI is taking it upon themselves to tape into our emails and IF we dare to say anything negative "not threatening...just negative" about Bush, FBI will come into your home and seize your computer, your records, files, papers, demand names and numbers of family members. Did you know they are doing that now? ... Well THEY ARE. And it is only going to get worse. If there is a shread of sense left in anyone out there, if I get through to one person I thank God. When the 2004 election comes around - if you value your freedom and safety - vote Bush out of office with the utmost speed. Vote Democratic so that we have a chance at getting our freedoms and our friends abroad back. Vote Democratic so we do not have a warmonger in the White House.

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