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Al Gore Will the real President please stand up
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Honor of our highest court disgraced forever

On the evening of December 12, 2000 I watched CNN News in disbelief as the U. S. Supreme Court handed out their ruling to thousands waiting in the cold.

At first everyone believed (through their double-talk) that they would permit the Florida Supreme Court to follow through with its' original ruling --- let the votes be counted. However, after many legal advisors sifted through the rhetoric it was soon realized that the highest court in the land had used their political power and changed Democracy as I once knew it.

The ruling was that this case (Bush v. Gore) was being remanded back to the Florida Supreme Court HOWEVER that any remedy they might decide upon would have to be met by the end of December 12, 2000 - the day for the Florida Legislators to send in their electorial vote for presidency.


To "mask" the political decision they made, the wording was such that one could read into it that they were backing off from a decision HOWEVER were giving the Florida Supreme Court explicit instructions that the remedy MUST be met by midnight Dec. 12, 2000. Thereby - leaving 2 full hours for the Florida Supreme Court and Vice President Al Gore's attorneys to attempt a response.

What a foul play of words this court, which I ONCE respected, cast out to the American public. In one of the shows that was daily tracking the progress/or lack of the recounts in Florida - someone had written in to say "now we know what type of t-shirts the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court wear under their black robes".....never was a truer phrase spoken.

The makeup of these so-called "fair" justices is outspokenly Republican. Their ruling more than reflected that.

As was said time and time again on television, this was a historical event. It was also predicted that the justices tipped their hand when bombarding David Bois with questions that lead others to know what decision they were going to make.

Common sense would have revealed this as we watched Bush with daddy at his side prepare for his cabinet that would change the world. His arrogant display of "knowing before the rulings were in that he won" made me sick at my stomach.

As it will NEVER be known who the REAL president would have been (THOUGH AL GORE WON THE POPULAR VOTE ACROSS THE U.S.) I don't see how he can expect to run a country that has literally divided because his words to the public were lies...."trust the people". He certainly failed at standing behind those words as he stalled every chance of having the peoples will in Florida counted as votes. What was Bush so afraid of? Why couldn't the votes be counted? I'll tell you why - Bush knew he had a "shoe in" from square one. After all his own Republican brother is Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush. The US Supreme Court - who Bush ran to is a Republican majority. The legislative joke in Florida is 79% Republican AND the Secretary of State, Kathleen Harris is not only republican but worked on Bushs' campaign trail and did everything in her power to overthrow any truthful count of the democratic votes.

The partially recounted votes in Palm Beach Florida were denied by Harris because they were 90 minutes late. Yet recounts for Bush were accepted.

As I heard over and over again on television and knew to be true - the legislative session in Florida was in fact Bushs "insurance policy" for presidency.

There certainly is nothing that can be done now. However please keep in mind that the areas where the minorities live, where the democractic votes would have counted the most --- were forced to use the same voting machines that had failed several times in the past. Their votes DID NOT COUNT. Reverend Jesse Jackson appeared several times in Florida, once with several thousand quiet protestors (just as Bush had flown in protestors from around the country) - Reverend Jackson was completely ignored. Republicans were the ONLY ones to get the attention.

Now, the man that I am sure would have been President, Al Gore, is forced by the political and crooked powers behind Bush to decline from the race and permit a ludicrous, false and lying person to take the seat of president.

I will share my feelings by personal letter to the White House and they WILL point out the man sitting in office there will NEVER be my president - he lied - he did not stand behind his word to trust the people - the very recount laws that he put into law in his own state of Texas were denied by his own mouth and his attorneys.

You are NOT president Governor Bush - you are a person that had his daddys friends and too many political fools slide you into the presidents seat - by crooked and untrusted political pull. You did not earn what you wear now. When your term is up because I will be working my my heart out on the democratic campaign to get you out of office.

To Vice President Al Gore - I will say publicly you have been seriously wronged. You should have been our next President and would have represented the American people with honor and dignity - something which Bush knows nothing about.


This page created © 2000-2001  KChapman
Information on this page was documented from television stations during this election.
Bush damned the TV stations for publicizing this - I honor them for sharing the Truth.