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animheader.gif - 56018 Bytes

animatedbar.gif - 5396 Bytes

bouquetanim.gif - 100603 Bytes

Hi and welcome to another background set. This set is done using the background color #EFCAA5. The font I used is Zap Chancer which you can click HERE to download should you wish to make extra buttons. The tube I made from a scanned photograph and I will offer that also HERE

I hope you enjoy this background and will place a link on your page using the graphic at the bottom. Please link that to Thank you for visiting and if you would like you name listed on a page with those using my backgrounds, just send me an email.

animemail.gif - 19158 Bytesanimhome.gif - 18725 Bytesanimback.gif - 19942 Bytes
animnext.gif - 20484 Bytesanimlinks.gif - 18807 Bytesanimgifts.gif - 19505 Bytes

animatedbar.gif - 5396 Bytes

animatedbar.gif - 5396 Bytes

Back to the Backgrounds page.

Created © Wolf Alliance 2001
