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Broken Arrow Wolf Alerts
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Welcome.    The purpose of this site is to alert visitors of impending dangerous situations or events about to occur for the wolves. On the alert pages are links to those that you may write/phone/fax to express your feelings on the particular issue.

If we as a group shout loud and long enough, the outcome will be that the life/lives of the animals will be spared. Never be discouraged, never think that your one voice does not count --- it does!!!   Remember.....one voice in the wind carries a long distance and is eventually heard.....that one voice could be yours. Thank you for your love of the wolves and for your help.

Please visit my very good friend
"Cougar Heart"
Thank you my friend for
the beautiful gifts.

Here are my futile tries at doing graphics


The Living Planet now has a Thylacine Museum open for your viewing and learning pleasure. This 300+ page world takes you on educational adventures to all areas of wildlife and nature. Just click the banner and it will wisk you to the world of C. Campbell.


Thank you for this Beautiful banner. I LOVE it.

Thank you for this Beautiful banner. I LOVE it.

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owned by Broken Arrows Wildlife Alerts.

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Thank you Misker :)
What a magnificent gift
Friends Forever

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Created © 2000-2001 KChapman
Images on this page created by the author
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