With GREAT urgency I ask that you take but a moment to view the tape at the url just below my note. On the right is a place under Ashcrofts picture to view the tape American Way is hoping to put on TV.

Although this is not wolf/wildlife related, I hope with all my heart you will view this tv ad and vote according to your heart. I know that every single person on this list cares what happens to our environment, our wildlife - our world.

The urgency to keep control of the Senate in Democratic hands is ABSOLUTE.

Please visit this page and watch the video - it speaks for itself and all who truly care about a free America.

God Bless


__People for the American Way TV Ad Warns of Right Wing Control of Government "There has been almost no attention to the fact that for the first time since 1929, the right wing of the Republican Party might have effective control of all three branches of government. Given the consequences of that dominance, it is urgent that the silence on this issue be broken. People For the American Way is ready to end that silence with a hard-hitting television ad. 'Today the White House and the House of Representatives are controlled by the right wing of the Republican Party. And with just one more vote they'll control the U.S. Senate. Their unchecked political power would be devastating for a woman's right to choose, our environment, social security, and corporate accountability. And could guarantee a Supreme Court controlled by the far right for decades. With your family's future at stake, should one political party have this much power? Your vote for Senator counts on November 5th.'" View the ad.


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Are you aware of what is sneaking up on our people? Do you realize your freedom is being torn away piece by piece. If not, please visit This Pageand let's talk about a few things.

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