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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, 20 Jun 01 CONTACT: Jim Hammill or Pat Lederle, 906-875-6622 or 517-373-1263


LANSING--Results of the most recent wolf survey conducted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources indicate there are at least 249 wolves now roaming Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

DNR Wildlife Biologist Jim Hammill said public support, an excellent prey base boosted by recent mild winters, and room to roam are key factors in the recovery of wolves. The Michigan pack rebounded from a low of three animals on Michigan's mainland in 1989, to last year's count of 216, to the most recent count of 249.

"We all should be inspired by the fact wolves are doing so well in Michigan," Hammill said. "The scientific program to recover Michigan's population of wolves is working as it should. Further, the public education effort has provided the public with a better understanding of the balance of nature and ecosystems, predator-prey relationships and the public is generally supportive of the wolf's return."

During the past winter, more than 2,000 person-hours were spent determining the wolf count, which included sightings, tracking and other evidence of the presence of wolves. In addition, the DNR continues to monitor 38 wolves that have been fitted with radio collars.

"We found clear evidence that wolves are present in all Upper Peninsula counties," Hammill said, "and we have verified several litters of pups this spring that likely will add to next year's population." The annual rate of increase n recent years has been about 24 percent.

This good news also bodes well for Michigan's ability to manage the animals, according to Pat Lederle, DNR Endangered Species Program Coordinator. Federal law provides for a reclassification of the wolf from endangered to threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Reclassification can be accomplished when combined populations in Michigan and Wisconsin reach 100 wolves for a five-year period. That goal has been met. Reclassification under Michigan's endangered species protection law also is in progress, a necessary action that parallels federal reclassification.

Reclassification will provide flexibility in managing the growing wolf population in Michigan and Wisconsin, allowing managers to euthanize wolves that have caused problems, especially to the livestock industry. The current, federally-mandated, "endangered" status does not permit lethal control. "Although it is doubtful such actions would be common, the DNR will use lethal control methods if it becomes necessary," Lederle said. "The majority of our citizens have welcomed the increasing wolf population, yet we are sensitive to human attitudes and the potential for the animal's natural activity to cause ill feelings with people, especially in the agricultural community."

The DNR, in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, Defenders of Wildlife and the International Wolf Center, recently established a Michigan Wolf Compensation Program, which provides complete reimbursement to farmers for any livestock killed by a wolf. To date, compensation has been paid to five livestock owners in the Upper Peninsula who have had cattle or sheep killed by wolves.

The gray wolf is native to Michigan and once was relatively abundant across the state. However, numbers declined because of persecution by people who viewed wolves as dangerous to humans, game populations and the needs of the agricultural community. Protection measures at both the federal and state levels for many years have allowed the wolf population to rebound. All wolves now in Michigan came here through natural immigration from Canada, Wisconsin and Minnesota, or were born here.

"The recent wolf recovery in Michigan is a remarkable story of natural recovery." Hammill said. "It's an amazing renewal of a native species to regain its historic place in the forest. The return of the wolf is a benefit to the entire ecosystem and a conservation success story for Michigan."

The DNR encourages citizens to report any sightings of wolves. Persons who see a wolf, find a wolf track or other evidence of a wolf can contact any DNR office to obtain a wolf observation report form and information on wolves in Michigan. The form and more information also can found on the DNR Web site by clicking here.

Wolf recovery efforts are paid for, in part, by the Nongame Wildlife Fund. The Fund is supported by citizen contributions and the sale of Wildlife Habitat license plates.

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