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UPDATE: [Sentencing held on 01/03/2001]

I spoke with Robert Estes office this morning (1/5/01 10:15a.m.) The secretary shared the 13 year old boy was sentenced on January 3, 2001. He was commited by the State of Nevada to a juvenile facility; mandatory counseling was ordered by the court; and a letter of apology was ordered to be sent to the owners of the yellow labrador. She also shared there is no "set" time on this sentence - the boy will remain in the juvenile facility until the proper professionals feel he is ready to be released.

DOG TORTURED IN NEVADA: A 13-year-old boy awaits sentencing after being found guilty animal cruelty in an attack of a dog that shocked the small ranching community of Yerington, Nevada. The boy was found guilty of cutting the eyes out of a yellow Labrador retriever in April. The dog was later found wandering, blind and bleeding, and had to be euthanized. The boy has now been remanded to his parents' custody and is under house arrest pending a sentencing hearing January 2nd, at which time he could be sentenced to anything from probation to incarceration in a juvenile facility, including psychological counseling.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Please contact the Lyon County District Attorney and urge him to pursue meaningful penalties for this young animal abuser, including mandatory psychological counseling! Let him know that such acts of malicious cruelty are indicative of a severe sociopathology! Contact: Lyon County District Attorney Robert Estes, 31 S. Main St., Yerington, NV 89447/ ph:775 463-6511/ fax:775 463-6516/ [email] .

Wrote to Robert Estes December 7, 2000

Subject: 13-year-old boy awaits sentencing
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 09:20:01 -0500
From: Karen Chapman
To: Robert Estes

Lyon County, Nevada
District Attorney Robert Estes
31 S. Main St., Yerington, NV 89447
phone: 775 463-6511
fax: 775 463-6516

Mr. Estes:

I have just received notice on the following:

"DOG TORTURED IN NEVADA: A 13-year-old boy awaits sentencing after being found guilty animal cruelty in an attack of a dog that shocked the small ranching community of Yerington, Nevada. The boy was found guilty of cutting the eyes out of a yellow Labrador retriever in April. The dog was later found wandering, blind and bleeding, and had to be euthanized. The boy has now been remanded to his parents' custody and is under house arrest pending a sentencing hearing January 2nd, at which time he could be sentenced to anything from probation to incarceration in a juvenile facility, including psychological counseling."

I am sure you are aware sir that such acts of malicious cruelty are indicative of a severe sociopathology! I hope that you intend to force a full penalty for this teenagers sick actions and pursue very meaningful penalties for this young "animal abuser", including mandatory psychological counseling!

I am now monitoring several issues that involve animal abuse by young teens. One is being dealt with now:

Mr. Estes, the children of this day and age are growing in a world where peers teach unto each other that the sanctity of life itself does not matter. When teens run the streets with gun in hand and kill a human beings - be it any wonder that their horrid anger and frustrations are now being severely vented at animals?

Unless the state sends a hard and clear message to these young adults that this "will no longer be tolerated"..... the killing and mutilation will continue. It has been proven that the very ones that perform sick actions as this boy did, later in life will most likely progress to doing the same to a person later in life.

I strongly urge you to make an example of the seriousness of this "unacceptable behavior" and send a message through local newspapers and television stations that animal abuse will not be tolerated in your state nor let off with a minor offense conviction . If the younger generation continues to receive "slap on the wrist" and are simply given probation for atrocities such as this, you may hold yourself accountable when that same individual shows up in your courtroom again......only the next time may be the murder of a person Mr. Estes.

I would appreciate a reply from your office. I would also ask to be made aware of exactly what conviction this person receives.

Thank you,
K. Chapman


Cows are a threat to humans

Dear Editor:

In a recent letter to the editor Owen Mink of Cascade detailed numerous examples of where people were allegedly attacked by wolves. Without knowing the circumstances, it is difficult to refute all his claims, but there are few records of healthy wild wolves attacking people in North America.

There are, however, examples of dog-wolf hybrids or even a few cases of wild wolves that have been fed by humans becoming bold enough to attack people. But it's unfair to suggest that wild wolves are a great threat to human safety.

Nevertheless, for every wolf that has caused direct bodily harm to humans in this country, there are thousands of cases where cows have killed or maimed people. Cows attack people--numerous examples of death from cow attacks could be documented each year. Even worse are the number of people who are killed when unfenced cattle wander on to our highways. Hundreds of people are injured or killed by these collisions each year.

I believe the grazing of livestock on our public lands is a far greater threat to the safety and health of all citizens than wolves. Indeed, I am truly terrified to take my children out hiking on public lands for fear of being attacked by cows or trampled at night when in our sleeping bags. I fear for my life every time I have to drive a dark rural highway at night. That our government would permit such dangerous beasts to roam on public lands denies all of us our constitutional rights to life and liberty. I hope everyone will demand that all cows be immediately removed from our public lands.

George Wuerthner
Eugene, Oregon


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