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Pup Outpost - Fun for Kids of all ages
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Pup Outpost ~ Games for kids

Hi and welcome to Pup Outpost. We have changed alittle to make it easier for the younger generation to scoot around here for some fun games.

Pup Outpost has one objective - providing fun for kids (of all ages). If you know of a game that you would like to see on here ~ just drop me a line and I'll see what I can do about getting it put on the pages for you.

You'll also find some pages on great movies to see, books to read, and some graphics that you might want if you have a website. These are free. We only ask that you do not link to the graphics on these pages because that is taking of bandwidth. Get Mom and Dad to explain that. If you have any questions about it just write me an email and I'll explain.

If you don't know how to download graphics to your computer, I'll explain it on the page where the graphics will be.

So, whatcha say ....let's go have some fun.

Click the little wolf to your left to go the "Magical Sliding Puzzles" page.

Click the little wolf to pad your way over to the Wolfie Word Search. It's a toughie ~ but you can do it if you try real hard.

Okay - now click the wolf when you're ready for "Pegs for Pups". I'll warn you - you won't want to leave --- I know, I play it ALL the time ....smiles.

This page created © 2000-2001  KChapman
Should you find errors or ommissions of credit for any content of this page, please write the author.