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7/26/2003 (Updated 3/30/2004)
by Tom Beno

I believe that neither bin Laden nor the Saudis are the ones most directly responsible for 9/11. In fact, it's entirely possible that there wasn't a "terrorist" on board ANY of the flights. If there were, they were simply pawns. Window-dressing in a larger plot - a diversion.

There are reams of B.S. coming out of the White House and published as "fact" by a weak and compliant U.S. media. However, just a small injection of information that the U.S. media refuses to publish and a minor application of common sense easily blows the "official" story right out of the water.

Middle-Easterners were simply tools (i.e. flight training, passports, etc.) in a much more sinister 9/11 plot than what we've been told. Whatever their involvement, they were only a few pieces of the puzzle. They were certainly not the most important players.

For instance, the identities of at least seven of the alleged 19 "terrorists" (as our government would have us believe) have been debunked. What ELSE is the Bush administration telling us that isn't true? (That's a frequent question - what is the Bush team going to lie about TODAY?)

For another example, al Quaeda is obviously pleased with the results, but instead of announcing their "success" and blaring it from the rooftops, they've only taken indirect responsibility for the attacks. They gladly accept the blame and even encourage the belief because it fits their own needs...increased recruitment, support, attack the "infidels" (us) on our own land. Al Quaeda is responsible only because our government says so - without proof - and that claim is supposedly "substantiated" by poor quality and very questionable tape recordings allegedly by bin Laden - who might not even be alive. Tape recordings supposedly "translated" by whom? By our government - and regurgitated as "fact" by our poor imitation of "journalists" in a Bush-compliant U.S. media.

Our government pinned "blame" on al Quaeda, and that's exactly what al Quaeda wants. But the highjackings and attacks could not be and were not done by 19 "evildoers" with box cutters who somehow took over 3 huge airliners, put them through extremely complex maneuvers (beyond the capabilities of the planes' computer software) and flew them into pre-determined targets. Ridiculous - yet much of America still buys that story.

The attacks simply could not have happened without extremely high-level support from inside our gates. Powerful entities within our own government are complicit in the events of 9/11 - and they're fighting like hell against being exposed.

The implications are far more serious than Bush's unelected neocon administration just "looking the other way", or not paying attention, or not addressing the threat, or Bush going on an unexpected vacation for a full month just prior to the attacks - the longest presidential vacation in U.S.history.

No, it wasn't sloppy intelligence or even criminal negligence or complacency. Instead, there are people in the Bush administration - traitors at the highest levels - who not only "allowed" the attacks to happen, but were directly involved and controlled much - if not all - of what happened on 9/11.

Despite the serious and well-deserved attention being paid (finally) to Bush's ongoing lies and obvious personal obsession with Iraq - that's just another smokescreen - diverting attention away from the much more serious issue of criminal complicity in 9/11.

I believe that sometime after the Twin Tower planes took off, powers within our government took over controls of the planes electronically - which we certainly have the capability of doing, and which has been done before. Our air defenses - at the ready 24/7 with the fastest planes and the best pilots in the world but a few short minutes from NYC and Washington DC - were not allowed to take off. Who gave the order to "Stand down" - until it was too late? Bin Laden? Saudi Arabia?

Of course not. Those orders - especially given the magnitude and severity of the situation - came from people very high up in the military arm of the Bush administration.

Why were our interceptors not in the air immediately? In fact - since it's now been exposed that the Bush administration knew of the impending attacks MONTHS ahead of time - why were our major cities left unprotected and fighter aircraft not already patrolling the skies on elevated alert, all day and all night, every day and every night until such time as the threat had been averted? So why weren't they? Because bin Laden or the Saudis gave orders for our fighters to not already be in the air, and to not take off when we were under attack?

Does that make sense to anyone?

I believe the Tower planes were guided by remote control from a ground location and/or from an AWACS. (Airborne Warning and Control System). Again - this is well-established technology and easily accomplished by our Air Force.

I believe the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers were guided to within a few specific floors of the buildings. All passengers and crew were likely already either dead or unconscious long before impact. I believe there were demolitions already in place in the Towers both below ground-level AND on those specific floors - which were then detonated to insure the Towers' complete collapse.

What happened to the recording of the firefighters in Tower Two who stated "the fires are under control up here"?

The towers' crumbling wasn't because airplanes crashed into them (why did Bldg.7 collapse, too?). The Twin Towers AND Building Seven collapsed because of pre-placed demolition charges. They didn't topple over - they collapsed perfectly "within footprint". Expert, extremely sophisticated, professional demolition. And why was the iron and steel from the collapsed buildings quickly loaded aboard barges and shipped to Asia for meltdown, which prevented inspection and investigation by explosives experts? Did bin Laden or the Saudis make those arrangements?

Of course they did.

There are frame-by-frame videos showing the sequence of explosions - but the footage has not been shown on American TV. Who is preventing the American public from seeing those explosions? Bin Laden? The Saudis?

The U.S. government shot down Flt.93 over Pennsylvania. If any of the crew or passengers were even alive or conscious at that point, they may have been desperately trying to override electronic control by U.S.governmental forces or to re-establish radio communications - thus the order to shoot it down. If it wasn't shot down - why was wreckage found 8 miles from the crash site?

The plotters of these multiple disasters could not afford to have any survivors. If passengers or crew had regained control and taken Flt.93 to a safe landing, the real reasons behind 9/11 would have unraveled. Instead, over 2 years later, we're STILL fighting with our own president, vice-president and his cabinet trying to get at the truth. We should have to fight with our so-called "leader" to get at the truth about this disaster?

Who's preventing a legitimate and thorough investigation and hindering the investigators? Bin Laden? The Saudis? No - the BUSH administration is trying to prevent the investigation and questions about the attacks. Not because they were sloppy and criminally incompetent about protecting our country from attack - but because they were INVOLVED.

Flt.77 did NOT crash into the Pentagon. "Something" blew up there - likely a missile - but it wasn't Flight. 77. Where are the videos of an aircraft (or missile) striking the Pentagon? Our government has the videos - why can't we see them? For the same reasons that all 4 "indestructible" flight recorders from the planes in both Tower crashes were somehow "not found" - but the "alleged" wallet from one of the "alleged" highjackers was "allegedly" found in the rubble.

Right. Of course it was, because our government says so.

How is it possible that the Pentagon fires supposedly burned "so hot" that every piece of infrastructure and fuselage of a huge airplane was melted beyond recognition - but our government claims that the DNA of EVERY victim was "positively identified"?

Of course it was. Our unelected government officials say so.

If the fires burned "so hot", how is it that an open book on a stool, and a computer monitor on a bookcase but a few feet from the impact point were intact and unscathed?

Why did Bush sign secret government document W-l99I, telling the FBI to stop investigating the Bin Ladens?

When U.S. commercial airspace was still closed to our citizens, why did Bush allow a jet to stop at 10 U.S. cities to pick up and fly home 140 prominent Saudis, including relatives of bin Laden?

Why did Florida Gov. Jeb Bush declare martial law in his state on September 7th? (Four days BEFORE 9/11). Why did he say (overheard by a reporter), "Was it the terrorists?" when informed about the WTC attacks?

Who were the investors of the PUT options who reaped immense profits when the stock of those airlines plummeted in the days following the disaster?

We are all victims of the biggest and most deadly hoax and ongoing coverup in history, perpetrated by very powerful factions within our own government. The enemy is inside the gates. Traitors in our midst, at the highest levels.

I can't explain all these things - and the Bush administration is trying its damnedest not to explain them either. But I'm an American citizen, and this is my country. I want answers and accountability.

Tom Beno
March 30, 2004

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Tom Beno