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Now the fighting has spread to the fartherest parts of the world. The raging war drum Bush has been beating since he took office are sending vibrations throughout the world. The reason??? he said on national television "He [Sadam Hussein] tried to kill my dad"....

I ask you, is that a great reason for sending our children off to war...more than likely to have many die? Months ago Bush was on television chanting at Ground Zero in New York that Bin Laden was Public Enemy No. 1 and would be caught. Almost one year later, Bush has not lived up to his promise to help rebuid war torn Afghanistan. Once again the United States abandons that country and the war monger moves to yet another target to begin the slaughter [Iraq]. All the while no one questions the dictator as to "why" has bin Laden NOT been captured and made to pay for killing thousands of Americans. Now, according to Bush, we have a larger target - Hussein - who Bush, through his mouthpiece on TV, Arty Fleisher, encouraged openly anyone wanting to "remove" (i.e. assasinate) Sadam Hussein would be doing the world a favor and preventing bloodshed of war.

Have I lost my mind...I don't think so. Bush has now moved on to yet another "treasure of oil" in Iraq to secure what he feels is his...big oil/big corporations...more friggin money in his pocket. After insulting the UN Committee insinuating they were irrelavant, Bush no sooner had approval from Congress to use "force/war" if Hussein did not permit unfettered access for inspections - and the war ships were moved into place on the Gulf. Our boys are being lined up for slaughter. We all know Sadam will not hesitate to use chemical weapons. It is "our" children Bush shoves to the forefront while he mounts the steps of Air Force One to remain "safe".

It seems everyone has turned a "blind eye" to the midevil tactics of the Bush administration. What has he done for the American people since he has been in office?

The 5 billion credit President Clinton had built up in our treasury is gone. We are so far in the red is stinks.

The EPA is all but destroyed (environment) does not count with Bush. He has his lynchmob "Gail Norton" to summon the wildlife and wildlands all but stripping every protection that was given them by President Clinton.

War??? One part of war was forced on us - bin Laden left us no choice but to fight back; however, Bush is going after the man that threatened daddy and it IS personal.

Homeland Security - if you think this NEW tactical team has not reached out to remove your rights...think again. I received a lease renewal form this month (October 2002) as we do each year. However, this year there was something new...A letter from Homeland Security and FBI stating every adult MUST complete a credit report PRIOR to permission to renew their lease. What?...did I hear that correctly? You bet! In so many words that means -if we don't do "exactly" as Homeland Security and FBI tell us, me and my boys are out on the street.

As just a tad of info for those of you that do have concern and interest for our wildlife and the environment....Jeb Bush managed to "ignore" a Court Order to designate specific areas of protection for the manatees in Florida. The boats flying in and out of the coves are killing them at an unbelieveable rate. Jeb was chastized for that and told to put the protection in place. Instead - he chose aress that are not trafficed with boats so that it would not affect the $$$'s coming in for boating vacationers. As for the manatee, they are still dying and Jeb is doing nothing to provide the Court Ordered protection. How can he get away with this???...he's George Bushs' brother.

Tonight I hear on the news of CNN - Paul Wellstone, Utah Senator, was killed, along with his wife and daughter, in a small plane crash. The election is less than 2 weeks away and Paul Wellstone was in the lead with room to spare. Coincidence? -or- maybe it was the rain and light snow that beat the plane to the ground. In any event, a very STRONG Senator is gone now....he was a Democrat. Paul was also a very strong advocate for the people of the united states. He defended our environment with all his soul. He stood alone many times to defend his opinion on something....why? - because he spoke for his constituents.

The plane crash today was reminscent of the death of Gov. Mel Carnahan of Missouri days before the 2000 election in the crash of a small plane. He was in a fierce Senate race with the Republican incumbent, John Ashcroft, who is now the attorney general.

Maybe I'm old and read too much into things that are happening since the new administration kidnapped the White House with the blessings of the US Supreme Court. Or, maybe I just have an open mind and look to the past to see history repeat itself.

One thing I do know for sure - if the Republicans steal control of the Senate, we are looking to about 10+ years of hell. They care for nothing but "big business/big oil/big corporations". Me, the other guy and possibly you (if you are mid to lower class income) don't mean crap to Bush. He will however, look out for his corporate friends....just as they look after him.

If you value your freedom; if you want a true "democracy" and the laws of the Constitution to remain part of our everyday life; if you don't want to see America overun with oil spitting drills that will pollute every inch of our land; if you depend on "truth" from a president; if you don't want an Armageddon due to war and lies....please, please vote Democratic. Take the time to go to the polls on November 5th. Above all, the people of Florida --- do NOT permit republicans to turn you away from the polls again. YOUR vote counts. So please, stand up and be counted. Give the house and Senate to the Democrats so that we may somehow patch up what Bush has done and move on to a free America and one without wartorn reputation. We are losing our allies abroad. If Bush continues we will have no allies but Israel.

For very up-to-date information on the facts of what goes on in Washington, please visit You will be both scared and relieved at what you will learn within those pages. Let's keep America free - vote 11/5 and stand up for a Democratic America. We care for the small business owners and those like myself who are not wrapped in riches from oil.