George William Burral
Welcome to my page on George William Burral ( My Father!)
The above picture is George William Burral and Sister Hilda Irene Burral Cordell.
George William Burral
- DOB-6/12/1920-Mercersburg,Franklin County, Pa.
- DOD-8/27/1966-Buried Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Hagerstown, Md.
- DOM-2/18/1941-Helen Louise Gerhold
- 2nd Marriage-Thelma May Embly Dagenhart Faulders-7/11/1953-Washington County,Md.
Helen Louise Gerhold
- DOB-11/21/1924-Franklin County, Pa.
- DOD-still living
- DOM-2/18/1941-Winchester, Va.
- 2nd Marriage-Lewis Jacob Hose Jr.-3/6/1954-Mount Union,Huntingdon County, Pa.
- Janice Maude Burral-DOB-11/21/1941-Mercersburg,Fanklin County,Pa.
- Sherry Lee Burral -DOB-12/2/1944-Mercersburg, Franklin County, Pa. adopted to Jesse & Leona Harnish Pfoutz
- Phyllis Irene Burral-DOB-10/16/1947-Mercersburg, Franklin County,Pa.
- George William Burral Jr-3/27/1958-Washington County,Md.-to 2nd marriage
- David Willis Burral-DOB-10/28/1960-Washington County, Md.-to 2nd marriage
- Thelma Jane Burral-DOB-2/7/!962-Washington County,Md.-to 2nd marriage