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Isn't it amazing,
After all these years
that you and I would meet?
That in this big world
our paths would
finally cross?
That we would
discover eachother?
I believe in destiny.

I sometimes find myself
wishing we could have
met before now.
But then I realize
that if we had,
we probably wouldn't be
the people
we are today.
The years are what
made us stronger,
ready for a deeper love,
more understanding,
more appreciative
of eachother.
I believe in destiny.

It may have taken us
a long long time,
but I'm thankful
that we have each other now.
Let us make
every loving moment count.
Because the best
really is saved
for last.
And I believe ...
in destiny.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/everyday.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Everyday I Love You" by Boyzone