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~For All Time~

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Throughout the course of life,
Many people come and go.
Some there for fleeting moments,
Some we never get to know.

But every once in a while on this journey
There's a touch upon your heart
And you find loves deepest meaning
And the wisdom it imparts.

Someone who understands you,
And fills you up with love
You know that they are truly
A gift sent from above.

They have the perfect timing,
Right there when you're in need
And somehow they seem to comfort you
When your spirit seems to bleed.

They seem to have such knowlege
Always know just what to say,
And fill your heart with gladness
Each step of every day.

When you come upon such a person
You may react with fear,
For how can they so understand
The secrets you hold dear?

As time passes and you both hold on
To this friendship based on care,
You know that you can trust them
To always be right there.

This special kind of friendship
Is what you have of mine,
Not just for now my dear one,
But always, for all time.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/onemoreday.wav" LOOP=INFINITE> Song heard is "One More Day With You"
by Diamond Rio