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~If We Should Ever Touch~




I sometimes sit and contemplate
My future on this earth,
And what if we should ever touch?
How much would that be worth?

For there are things within your spirit
That have reached my very soul,
And having you here in my life
Has helped make me feel whole.

The tenderness within your voice,
The sweet words that you say
Have spanned across so many miles
And brightened each new day.

The joy you've filled my life with
No mere words can explain.
I've found the greatest happiness,
Where once was grief and pain.

The feelings shared between our hearts
Have come to mean so much.
What burning passion would there be,
If we should ever touch?

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Ifinevermet.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "If I Never Met You"
by Barbra Streisand