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~In The Night~

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As the sun slowly settles
And night shadows fill the sky
I put aside the days reality
And begin in dreams to fly.
With darkness wrapped around me
Like a long black velvet cloud
I bravely let you fill my thoughts
And speak your name out loud.
No one sees me as I begin
My nightly fantasy
Where I can share my secrets
And hold you close to me.
I play our tender love songs
And gently swing and sway
Dancing my sweet lovers dance
That I cant have in the day.
I pull you close, engulfing you
Within my warm embrace
And plant my moist cool lips
Upon your warm sweet face.
I cherish each and every moment
Within our lovers paradise
Never thinking for one instant
Just what will be the price.
But soon the morning sunlight
Starts peeking through the trees
And it is time to part
For you do not belong to me.
And as we kiss our sweet goodbyes
Within the morning light
I will spend the day in waiting
For my haven in the night.

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