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~My Dance~




I found a music that stirs my heart
To a song I have never heard
It has a rythm that drives me wild
I seem to cling to every word

I feel myself swaying to your song
Your sweet lyrics touch my mind
Reaching feelings deep down in my soul,
Places no one else could ever find.

Let me dance to this song you've given
Let me take joy from what we are
It matters not I don't know the steps
I am dancing among the stars.

I can hear you singing my name
I am swirling and twirling in laughter
It is your music that surrounds me
And your song that I dance after.

Perhaps my heart has danced with you
And heard the words you had to say
But the music and melody were hushed
For your song was so far away.

Let me sway gently to the rythm of you
Fill my soul and the void that is there
For now your song bursts forth from me
With the sounds of the love we share.

Let me bend and sway before you
And show the beauty of your creation
Listen to the music we make together
Giving in to our loves temptation.

And when our song is finished
With a tear I will smile and say
"Thank you for the dance"
As the music fades away....

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/dance.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "The Dance"
by Garth Brooks