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~Our Journey~




Our love has been a journey
And both of us have known
We had so much to learn about,
And much we've grown.

We've both had needed lessons
And searched along the way
To get to this sweet loving point
That we are at today.

I've had alot to overcome
My trust, my faith my pride,
But you have stayed right with me
As I searched so deep inside.

Each day I find new beauty
In the person that you are
I feel so undeserving
Of such a precious star.

Please let me hold you darling
As I've wanted from the start
Here in my arms, where you belong
And deep within my heart.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Icouldnotaskformore_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song heard is "I Could Not Ask For More"
by Edwin McCann