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~To Hold You~





To hold you once again
And feel your warm embrace.
To kiss your lips softly,
As I gently caress your face.

Arms wrapped tight around me,
Laying in your tender care,
Feeling your breath upon me
As you gently stroke my hair.

To hold you once again
And whisper words of love
In a language no one understands
But the angels up above.

To watch your chest rise and fall
As you drift off into sleep
Where you and I find once again
The secrets lovers keep.

To hold you once again
And caress you through the night
To find the joy of your sweet smile
In the early morning light.

Sharing all my wants and needs
That only you could understand.
Giving myself onto you
Though you never would demand.

I sit now wrapped in silence
Having gotten past the pain
Of wanting nothing more than
To hold you once again.


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<BGSOUND SRC="images/bewithyou.wav" LOOP=INFINITE> Song heard is "To Be With You"