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Robyn Aileen Perkins


Client Rights and Confidentiality


The privacy and confidentiality of the information held about the client will be respected.
Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties.


1) With the clients consent
2)To prevent a serious threat to a persons life or health
3) As required or authorised by law.
Where the client is less than 14 years of age consent for access to the information must be given by the parent or gardian.
The cilent has the right to access their personal information.

Client Rights

The client has the right to access their records
The client has the right to terminate the counselling sessions or seek a referal to another counsellor when they have received the help they have sought or if it is apparent that the counselling is no longer helping them reach their goals.
We also reserve the right to terminate the counselling relationship or refer the clients case to another practioner if we belive it is in the clients best interests.

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