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Best Friend

Whats She Gonna Do?

Jacqueline’s Junque



I've had other friends and lovers
Who's hearts I thought were true,
But none have been as special,
As what I have found with you.

You're always there to lend an ear
When I have a need to share.
Your thoughtfulness and kindness
Show me how much you care.

I know I test your patience,
And yet you try to understand;
Ever gentle, never hurting
With a tender guiding hand.

Though I may walk away at times
Not sure what I should do,
I always turn around and run
Right back to embrace you.

So many wonderful memories
I hold close for always;
Of joy and smiles and laughter
Fun filled cherished days.

If I could wish for anything,
It would be for God to send
Someone like you to everyone,
A treasured, loved best friend.

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Written By © 2002 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/backtoyou[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Song heard here is "Every Road Leads Back To You"
by Bette Midler

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