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Cant Cry Hard Enough

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Jacqueline’s Junque



Time goes by so fast...
One moment you were here
I was mesmerized by your smile,
Captivated by the little twinkle
In those beautiful deep soulful eyes.

Now you're gone...
I sit in the quiet alone
Holding on to the memories
Of precious time spent with you
And everything we shared together.

In the silence of my room...
I lay curled up in a ball
Squeezing tight my pillow
My jagged sobs the only thing
That break through the emptiness.

You wont be back this time...
I'm left alone
Soon I'll dry these tears
Pick up the remaining pieces
Get back up to face life without you.

But for now....
I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/cry[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard here is "Can't Cry Hard Enough"
by Williams Brothers

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