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Just For Tonight

Whats She Gonna Do?

Jacqueline’s Junque



I came to you for comfort
Your's for just tonight,
But you'll find that I am missing,
In the early morning light.

Dont try to hold on to me,
I'm just a vision in your sleep.
My heart belongs to someone else,
And won't be yours to keep.

Let's close the door behind us,
Whisper how you care for me,
Take me in your loving arms,
As I shut out the memories.

I cant make any promises,
They are not mine to make,
I just want someone to hold me,
And soothe me till I wake.

For just tonight I need to feel
Like I won't fall apart,
Tomorrow I will face again,
My lonely broken heart.

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Written By © 2002 to 2005
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Song heard here is "We Never Had A Broken Heart"
by Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks

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