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Not Supposed to Love You

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Jacqueline’s Junque



You drew the lines between us
While I struggled to agree,
Still trying to hold on because
You mean so much to me.

I packed up all our memories
And hid them all away,
Hoping that tomorrow
Will hurt less than yesterday.

I feel a certain numbness
In this pain I cant express
With emotions raging deep inside
That I must now suppress.

Getting through my day alone
Without hearing your voice;
Missing the tenderness of your touch
For you gave me no choice.

I try so hard to understand
And while I do in part
It cannot stop the longing that
Exists within my heart.

Ignoring what I feel inside
I've never done before.
And all because I'm not supposed
To love you anymore.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/notsupposedto.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard here is "I'm Not Supposed to Love You Anymore"
by Bryan White

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