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The Computer

Whats She Gonna Do?

Jacqueline’s Junque



I saw it the corner,
I passed it by with fear;
A personal home computer
And hubby brought it here!
What did we need it for, I asked
We had complete game systems;
My electric typewriter worked just fine,
But some men never listen!

"It has so many uses!
It's all the rage," he said.
We'll pay our bills and shop and surf,
All on the world wide web!"
"We'll keep in touch with family,
That's something you'll enjoy!"
I rolled my eyes and said out loud,
"You and your expensive toys!"

Then one day I turned it on,
Filled with deep apprehension;
And nervously I began to explore,
This new found net connection.
The first step was quite simple,
Creating my own screen name;
Little did I know that day....
Life would never be the same!

Chat rooms, IMs, message boards,
So many forms of communication;
My mind became a giant sponge...
Soaking up mass information!
I learned how to send email,
And I don't like to brag;
But before I even knew it,
I was learning how to tag!
I then started a personal journal,
But I'm such a cyber hog;
I learned to build a web site,
And someone taught me how to blog!

Email lists and online groups,
Guestbooks, spam, web rings;
Music, art and games to play,
Wow... I love this thing!
My family says they miss me now,
I've left them in the lurch;
I told them how to find me...
Just do an online search!

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Written By © 2001 to 2005
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