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Out Of Reach

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Jacqueline’s Junque



There was a time nothing
Came between us.
We spent endless hours touching,
Laughing, sharing, loving eachother.
Now I find you driting
Out of reach.
I thought something was missing
From your life.
I thought that something was me.
That I was discovering special places
Deep within you that had been
Out of reach.
I wanted that.
For both of us forever.
At one time, you seemed to need me
Said I completed you,
Helped you reach deep down
Claiming the missing peices of yourself.
Now you're healed, whole, drifting
Out of reach.
You have gone somewhere
That I can't be,
A place I don't fit
And I am left here trying hard
To find a way to understand
How we could find something together
That only left you
Out of reach.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Ifeelyoudrifting[1].wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Out Of Reach" by Gabrielle

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