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Your Gift

Jacqueline’s Junque
When I thought life had given me,
All it had to give,
You stepped into my little world,
Adding so much to how I live.
You gave to me your greatest gift,
The gift of all your love.
And it has been a blessing
Which must be from above.
Any darkness within my heart,
Was suddenly filled with light.
Your smiling face each morning,
And your loving arms each night.
The gentle way you treat my heart,
The tenderness of your touch,
Has taken me to brand new heights,
And come to mean so much.
My deepest hope and desire,
Is that each and every day
I can add something to your life,
To help you find your way.
And even if our chosen paths
Should cause our lives to part,
Please know that you forever gave,
Your gift unto my heart.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/brickman_1_.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Your Love Is The Greatest Gift of All"
by Jim Brickman and Michelle Wright

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