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Jacqueline’s Junque
Many stories begin with
Once upon a time...
And I suppose that I could say
That is the way I started mine.
But at the end the tale will say
Happily ever after...
And the reader is left to believe
It ended in joy and laughter.
And while each love has a story
There is much more in between
The once upon a time...
And the ending of the dream.
Some things end in anger,
There is passion, hurt and tears,
There is lonliness to deal with,
Emptiness and fear.
What we started at the beginning
Can sometimes burst in flames
Or die a slow cruel silent death
And really no one is to blame.
My hope and my desire
Is that when we say goodbye...
We will end with a warm soft hug
And no one has to cry.
For I know, my sweet one
That things will have to end.
I just hope that when they do,
We are happy we let it begin.
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Written By Spentheart@AOL.com © 2000 to 2005
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