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You Taught Me


Jacqueline’s Junque




From the moment we met,
You've been teaching me.
Lessons I needed to learn,
Taught with your love.
That it's possible to be
Tough and tender at the same time.
That showing someone you care
Is worth the risk.
That exposing yourself
Is not a weakness.
That love can show itself
In the most unexpected ways.
You taught me that things are
Never really as bad as I think they are.
And no matter what I'm going through
I am never alone.
Without saying a word,
You told me I could do anything.
From you, I've learned how to
Really communicate with another person.
You've made me see that sometimes,
Listening is more important than talking.
And that some of the best conversations
Are spoken with a smile.
You made me realize...
That I am someone who can be loved.
You taught me what friendship is all about.
From you, I've learned what true love is.

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Written By © 2000 to 2003
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/mybabyyou.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>