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The Friendship

Jacqueline’s Junque




His friendship was so important
She didnt want anything to change,
But the feelings she had inside her
Were out of the friendship range.

No other friend made her lie awake
In dreamless sleep at night.
No other's face would haunt her
When she turned out the light.

She kept it locked inside her,
Afraid to speak her mind.
Not wanting to loose the friendship
Of one who was so kind.

But how could she keep hidden,
What was consuming her inside?
And yet so much was on the line...
His respect, the truth, her pride

She loved to spend her time with him,
His laughter ringing in her ears.
The way he shared his inner thoughts
His hopes, his dreams, his fears.

She had heard it said so often
"You cannot cross the line!
You'll lose a friend forever
And true love you may not find."

So she sits in quiet lonliness,
Trying hard to keep a tight grip
Not crossing the line between their hearts,
Holding on to their friendship.

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