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Blessing Or Burden

Jacqueline’s Junque




When my life is over,
and I stand before our God;
What will be His judgement,
of the path that I have trod?

Will He see a burden,
Causing hurt, or stress and strife?
A person who had wasted
all the good things in this life?

Or will he see a blessing?
A heart that always cared,
Someone to be relied on,
With faith and love to share?

Will He think of me as shallow?
With very little worth?
Selfish, unforgiving?
Self absorbed while on this earth?

Or will He see a treasure,
For which He paid the price;
While on the cross He suffered...
The perfect sacrifice.

Father, make my spirit gentle...
So that those who know my touch;
May feel Your tender mercy,
For You've given me so much.

Keep me always faithful,
Never hopeless or depressing;
Use me for Your purpose,
Lord... make of me a blessing.

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