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Whispers In The Night

Jacqueline’s Junque




The darkness of night is upon us
Feel its shadows as it caresses your skin.
Lay back and you can hear the whispers
In my voice and my desire for you.

Can you feel my gentle touch?
Listen to the night, it's whispering to you.
Let yourself sink into my shadow.
Feel my lips on yours, feel my touch.

My gentle breathing echoes around you,
Like the wind whispering to you.
Let my arms wrap around you
Come melt into me as one.

I give myself to you fully.
Let me be the true one, your life.
Take my hand, and follow me
As I alone take you to this place.

Are you listening to the whispers?
Hold on to it, let it surround you,
Can you hear me and my
Whispers in the night?

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Written By © 2000 to 2003
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