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Inspired Words

Jacqueline’s Junque




Many people question me
Each and every day
"Who it is that inspires
These words you have to say?"

"There must be someone special
That has touched you deep inside,
And caused your heart to open up
The things you used to hide."

I don't know if I have ever
Made anyone really understand
I am an ordinary woman,
Who found a special, loving man.

To me he is a priceless treasure
A rare and unique find,
With heart, and soul, and passion,
Who is honest, fair and kind.

I will not say he is perfect,
For no one can ever be.
But his warm and loving heart
Just mean the world to me.

At times we're very different
Yet there's so much that we share,
Our pride, our faith, our friendship,
The way that we both care.

And for all that he has given me,
Things I thought I had lost,
It's made me love and cherish him,
Regardless of the cost.

He has brought me so much laughter
And yes, he's made me cry
But I'd rather be hurt loving him
Than to ever say goodbye.

What I feel inside for him
Goes far beyond emotion,
He has my faith, my hope, my trust
My complete and true devotion.

The prose alone may be mine
But he plays a grand part,
Inspiring sweet loving words,
From deep inside my heart.

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