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Sullivan Brothers Assembly No. 2861

Installation of Officers - August 2006

THE OFFICERS' jewels displayed on the alter of God

THE CHARGES FOR each position were solemnly given

THE NEW OFFICERS under the direction of Faithful Navigator S/K Robert R. Caron, PGK, as Installed by the Master of the 4th Degree, S/K Joseph E. Murtha.

The 4th Degree is the final journey offered to those who seek enlightenment - an altogether seperate organization of Brothers proud not only of the Knights of Columbus, but of their heritage as well.

Meetings are held each third Thursday evening of the month at Fr. Cuddy Hall at 8 pm. Color Corps practices are held the third Monday of the month, again, at Fr. Cuddy Hall.

For those wishing more information concerning this prestigious level of Brotherhood, contact:

John Durbin DD, PGK

- Events for April 2007 -

5th - Executive Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

9th - Color Corps Practice, Montgomery Council #2323

19th - 8 pm - Assembly Business Meeting - Nominating Committee Report - Montgomery Council #2323

Events for May 2007

12th - Day Tour of Civil War Battlefield of Balls Bluff - optional luncheon to follow

14th - Monday - Color Corps Practice, followed by 8 pm Assembly Meeting

MEET THE NEW officers and their wives for this coming Fraternal Year. Congratulations!


Christmas Party - Dec. 21st

A LARGE GATHERING helped to keep the season bright....especially Father's jokes at the end ;-)

NOW THIS IS what we're talking about...good food and good camaraderie.

Montgomery Council Web Site
