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How Bill Clinton Saved The Free World

William A. Mayer

A long time ago, in Germany, there was an obscure theology student by the name of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

Hegel was destined to become a brilliant philosopher responsible for a number of innovative concepts, one of which centered on a theory of causation with regard to history.

He argued (successfully I believe) that the direction of historical change resulted from the collision between widely divergent, juxtaposed ideas - the thesis and the antithesis…

During the period post 1950, but pre Bloody Tuesday, our culture has experienced a progressive and general debasement of traditional values. This moral retreat has not occurred because of chance happenings or mere bad luck - it has been intentionally brought about by agents of the left operating under many guises.

Since World War II and quickening considerably after the Bolshevik takeover of the democrat party in 1972, American society has been driven from the ideals of the founding fathers like cattle being queued up - nose to tail - for that final nasty appointment with the rubber suited brute on the killing floor.

Under this onslaught much of the population had plainly lost the meaning of liberty, property, national security, personal responsibility and family.

They had lost the warrior spirit, the belief that certain things are worth fighting, and if need be, dying for – the concept that some ideas are larger than any one of us individually - that Americans are intellectually, psychologically and genetically optimized for moral combat.

Sadly, they had even lost their sense of outrage and the ability to discern right from wrong - that some things are intrinsically evil - in all places, in all times, in all circumstances.

But fortunately, this is now a thing of the past.

America is back on the path to greatness, taking its first baby steps in shoes no longer familiar and comfortable.

We have none other than Bill Clinton to thank for this change in direction.

As Hegel clearly predicted, the baseness, the absolute and brazen criminality, the moral turpitude of prideful Clintonism would inevitably bring about a culture deemed ripe for picking by America’s enemies, internal and external.

Clinton brought us to a nexus that exploded in fire and rained death on a clear, cold morning that will forever be burned into our cerebrum.

It is only the reaction to his culture of death that yields hope for the future.

It took an attack of this proportion to re-wire the collective consciousness; nothing else could have broken through the impenetrable white noise of an established, morally defective media driven gargoyle that America had become.

Clinton is the archetype of the grand vision of the left.

He is the flesh and blood embodiment of what happens in a society in which all are brought down to the level of the lowest common denominator.

Clinton is that lowest common denominator.

Perjury? Slander? Bribery? Debauchery? Character Assassination? Lying? Cheating? Vindictiveness? Treachery?

No problem!

Not in a world of moral relativism, where all beliefs are given equal weighting.

All excused by the forces behind him, willing to advance their own agendas in the shadows of unspeakable behavior.

Clinton is the cancer which had metastasized from such degeneracy - the vision of him, puffy faced, on the streets of New York crying his acid-filled alligator tears for victims whose blood is on his own hands should remain with us forever.

Let it be understood clearly that conditions such as those fostered by the left will always result in events like Bloody Tuesday's deadly ballet - it happens with as much scientific certainty and repeatability as an atom of oxygen, combining with two of hydrogen, creating a molecule of water.

It never fails.

William A. Mayer is the Editor & Publisher of Pipebomb News

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