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Clinton-Gore left us vulnerable

Yoan Zaifer

South Florida Sun-Sentinel, October 20, 2001

Re the Oct. 12 letter, "Safer with Gore": In her blind enamoration with a most frivolous president and his sidekick, the writer overlooks the fact that instead of implementing the "alleged" Gore proposals against terrorism, both were busy running from one fund raiser to another.

In the interim, they were also busy putting out the fire on Clinton's scandal with Monica by using his spinmeisters to bamboozle the public while assigning top government officials to carry his water. Clinton and Gore had eight years to do what Bush is doing now, but they didn't.

That is why America was caught with its pants down, because Clinton could not keep his up during his tenure. The chickens are coming home to roost courtesy of those who gave a blank check to the greatest opportunists and power grabbers America had.

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