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It's Not Clinton's Fault - Nothing Ever Is

If anyone has information on the author and publication of this article, please email: Shenandoah

One theme of the largely obscene torrent of pro-Clinton emails is a revealing one. Rather than question the obvious fact of the last administration's ultimate responsibility for national security, they argue that the Republicans are at fault for distracting Clinton with what they now call a "jihad" against the president. This follows the usual pattern, fomented by Clinton himself, that he is never to be held responsible for anything ever (except all the good things that happened on his watch). Even after close to 7,000 innocent deaths, Clinton is still the victim. I have a brief response to this in three parts.

The president need not have done things that resulted in a sexual harassment lawsuit against him in the first place.

The president could easily have settled such a suit years before it metastasized into impeachment.

The president could have told the truth as soon a the Lewinsky scandal hit and defused the entire situation.

The responsibility for his distraction is ultimately his alone. That's what responsibility means. That's what accountability means. As president, he actually had a duty to defuse that situation in order to function effectively as commander-in-chief. But he chose his own political suicide instead. I opposed convicting the president; and thoroughly criticized the Starr Report. But that doesn't mean the president should be excused for avoiding responsibility and accountability. And the fact that those ideas were so thoroughly trashed by Clinton himself is only further proof of the damage he did to the culture and the government.

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