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Weinberger Blasts Clinton for Damaging Military

Carl Limbacher, November 25, 2001

Former Reagan Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger blasted ex-president Bill Clinton on Sunday, charging that his policies seriously undermined the U.S. military's ability to fight and win wars.

"I think Clinton basically did an enormous amount of damage to us during his eight years," Weinberger told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg.

"He certainly allowed the military strength that we had at the end of the Gulf War to erode very seriously," the Reagan defense chief added. "And he also committed the military to all kinds of expeditions and impossible missions because it provided a little headline relief for him from time to time."

Echoing criticism in his new book, "In the Arena: A Memoir of the 20th Century," Weinberger said that Clinton's strategic partnership with the Communist Chinese greatly enhanced their military power. "He was never above giving them various advantages that they wanted," even though Beijing was "very open in its opposition to everything we tried to do in the Pacific."

Meanwhile, as China's military grew stronger, President Clinton gave only lip service to the concept of missile defense for the U.S., Weinberger said. "He never did anything except block it in every way that he could during his whole eight years."

Asked about Clinton's recent speech at Georgetown University, where the ex-president suggested that America shared part of the blame for the 9/11 attacks because of slavery and U.S. mistreatment of the American Indian, Weinberger said:

"If it was the Unites States' fault, he has an awful lot of burden to bear because he was there for eight years during a time in which we weakened ourselves substantially by a lot of his policies."

The former Reagan defense chief said Clinton "gave us, I'm afraid, about as poor a foreign policy and poor administration as I hope we'll never see again."

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