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From Hill and Bill's point of view


New York Post, December 13, 2001

with comments by Shenandoah (webmaster of this site, American Veterans)

Ok, ok...hurry up and read through Hillary's chatty inanities and then get down to what Bubba has to say.

HILLARY on New York: "I feel an overwhelming responsibility in representing New York. This city is viewed as something that has everything and, thus, to much of the rest of the nation it's a place that can take care of itself."

On human cloning: "I'm afraid they'll clone Strom Thurmond and he'll be around forever." *chortle* *chortle*

Hints from Hillary:

On her own looks: "With my schedule, I needed a way that worked for me. It meant easy-does-it-hair and that omnipresent black pants suit uniform which cut down on decisions and accessories, got me in and out of SUVs gracefully, and went from breakfast meetings to dinner functions without dirtying, wrinkling or changing. But I must say I miss color and texture. And I miss doing something different with my hair. But I now need the time to do that."

...omnipresent black pants suit me in and out of (gas-guzzling) SUVs gracefully. That must be a sight to behold!

...from breakfast meetings to dinner functions without...changing! The talent of that woman!

BILL the Husband on our war: "We must win it because bin Laden is the worst symbol in the world today."

Now there's a reason to win a war - bin Laden is a symbol! Not only is he a symbol, but he's the worst one in the world - today! That's reason enough right there to want to blow him away! Symbol? Symbol?! Symbol of what?! We're not fighting an abstract concept, here, we're out to take down a terrorist who attacked our sovereign nation and murdered over 3,000 of our fellow Americans!

"Secondly, we must establish defenses."

This statement borders on Einstein! You mean the same defenses Bubba allowed to deteriorate?

Thirdly, we have to build back New York. The quicker New York rebounds, the quicker America rebounds.

A little "I'm a New Yorker, too, ala Hillary" plug in there?

"There wasn't a sicker person than I on September 11."

Sicker even than all those husbands and wives and parents and children who had just found out their loved ones had been horribly murdered?! It's always about Me! Me! Me! No one could possibly have been sicker than I. I am the crown-prince of feeling everyone's pain!

"I was on the telephone when it happened. The instant that second plane hit, I said to the person with whom I was speaking (Monica?), 'Bin Laden did this.' I knew immediately. I know what this network can do.

Wonderful! The world's leading expert on how bin Laden's network operates spent eight years letting him run free. But what could he do? The American people wouldn't have supported going after bin Laden. But he sure worked overtime on gaining support in his quest to decipher the meaning of is!

"But our country may be of good cheer. (Yes, really appropriate. Let's all be of good cheer. Let's all raise a glass and toast our good cheeriness.) Nothing like this has ever defeated civilization. (Read your history, Bill, the Conquistadors wiped out entire South American civilizations). Terrorism never won before and won't now."

Oh, Really? They were doing pretty good in Afghanistan until we showed up. And Bill's right about one thing - they won't win. The adults we finally have in the White House will see to that!

The more this certified idiot opens his mouth the more he sickens me! Just when you think Clinton couldn't possibly make a more asinine statement, he out does himself!

Will the day ever come when this sociopath is held accountable?!

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