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Clinton's Legacy

Col. Robert L. Pappas, USMC (RET)

Gulf 1, January 18, 2002

A few days ago, Dick Morris of Clinton campaign, prostitute fame, appeared on a nationally televised show. Among other things Morris had to say, he stated that it was too late for Clinton to do anything about his legacy. In one sense, Morris is right, but in another very tragic sense, Clintons' legacy, indelibly imprinted upon America, will take decades, if ever, to erase. Even now the bitter fruit of their eight years in office is ripening, and there is more to come.

Clinton's legacy is clearly illustrated in his infamous "loathing the military" letter to Colonel Eugene Holmes, Commandant of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas. He wrote, "I…hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military…" What Clinton and so many others of his ilk did not, perhaps still do not comprehend, is that the armed forces of the United States are inherent and integral to, and inseparable from the nation. His, "…loving their country but loathing the military…" was a mutually exclusive, oxymoron phrase.

During his eight years in office, Clinton sought no relief for over committed military forces that continued to carry out all international treaty obligations despite being downsized by well over 300,000 members; which incidentally was about the same number that he added to social service agencies. The stress of over-commitment resulted in many thousands of promising leaders departure from the services; and while the dedication and determination of those patriotic giants who remained affirmed the professionalism of the services, it shined a retrospective bright light on Clintons' loathing for them. Not being one to let an opportunity to abuse the armed forces go by, as Clinton's tenure was ending, to his undeserved credit, he signed legislation that provided long overdue, promised lifetime medical care benefits for some military retirees; then he refused to have his picture taken with representative retirees who had traveled to Washington to celebrate the victory.

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20. Clintons' ultimate loathsome attitude toward the armed forces was never more clearly illustrated than when, knowing full well the potential damage to the services that could result, they tried to force acceptance of openly practicing homosexuals into military service; it didn't work. The "don't ask, don't tell" policy that resulted worked well enough that near the end of Clintons' tenure Bill moaned that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy was a failure because it resulted in so many homosexuals being separated from the services. In point of fact the steady discharge of openly practicing homosexuals from the services marked the policy's success.

It was the Clintons' spineless reaction to Islamic terrorism, their documented betrayals, not to mention the undocumented ones, that bordered, if not crossed the line to treason. It was these, taken together with his plethora of well-oiled lies and abuses that eventually culminated in the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, albeit after their departure from direct responsibility. Space does not permit the lengthy recital of attacks on US sovereignty that went with pathetic little more than a salvo of cruise missiles fired at empty camps and empty statements that the perpetrators would be found and punished. That many enjoyed economic well-being during their administration is now irrelevant, bitter and repugnant, if not damnable, to the families of the thousands who died on September 11th. This is the Clintons', and sadly if not tragically, now the US national legacy. "…and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey." Revelation 10:9.

Semper Fidelis.

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