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A Synopsis: Clinton Set the Stage for 911


American Veterans, February 1, 2002

Bill Clinton, through eight years of various actions and in-actions, set the stage for the unspeakable horror that visited this nation on September 11, 2001.

All of the above sent a message to Islamic Terrorists: America is weak. America is indecisive. America is corrupt. America is ripe for an attack and America doesn’t have the moral fiber, nor the resources, nor the resolve to fight back.

Madeline Albright, Clinton apologist extroidinare, who appears to be on a mission to save her own legacy as well as that of her former boss, has stated that the Clinton Administration would have never been able to gather enough public support for an all out war against terrorism. News flash, Madame Albright: A strong, moral leader recognizes priorities and sets those priorities above all else. The President of the United States can gather support for whatever he deems important! Unfortunately, what was important at the time was Bill Clinton’s quest to decipher the meaning of “is.” In the meantime, our enemies plotted against us.

Even President Putin of Russia expressed dismay at Clinton's lack of attention to the threat of terrorism.

Let there be no doubt – William Jefferson Clinton, who leisurely strolled down the streets of New York in the aftermath of 911 wearing his ever-present, smug little half-smile, carries the blood of thousands of Americans on his hands.

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