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469th Trans Detachment (USAV Page) 3/67-5/69 in RVN.
I want my country back!
I rise to salute my father, 1st Lt. (later Lt. Col.) Albert Myers, 781st Bomb Squadron, (B-24s) 465th Bomb Group, 15th US Air Force and my mother, YN2 Margaret R. Myers, Naval Weapons Station Hawthorne, and my brother, Lt. Kevin C. Myers, USCG.
Posted by:
Mainsheet, on January 27, 2000 at 05:08 AM EST

I went from the National Guard to RA 24 Feb 65, deployed with 2nd Bde Task Force, 25th Inf Div to Cu Chi Jan 66, servrd as Crew Chief OH-23G, later transfered to 118th Aviation Co, Bien Hoa, Bandits (Guns), total of three tours RVN, 2 enlisted (Aviation) 66 (10 mo's) 67-68. Returned to RVN Sep 71, Rifle Platoon Leader, 1-12th Cav (FSB's Bunker Hill, Katie, Pace. Served in Hawaii, Benning, Knox, Germany and other posts. Retired 86, recalled for Desert Storm. Had the Honor of serving with outstanding Americans, people who make up what America really looks like, as opposed to Sick Willies selection of people who are suppose to represent America!
Posted by:
cav16 , on February 05, 2000 7:42 AM

U.S.S. Forrestal, U.S.S. Saratoga, U.S.S. America, U.S.S. Eisenhower and U.S.S. Kennedy. Aviation Ordnanceman 1971-1993. Retired CWO3.
Posted by:
A. B. Sea , on February 04, 2000 11:10 PM

I seved two tours of combat duty in the navy, on the destroyers USS Berleley , USS Morton, and USS Kepler. I worked in the Combat Information Center, as a radarman. 1969 - 1973. I saw the end of the conflict. The country is beautiful, with rolling green hills, one behind the next. The South China Sea can be so calm it is eerie. Wars have been going on for centuries there, and they will continue. A few Vietnamese made it to this country after it fell, and they have become excellent Americans. I wish them well.
Posted by:
SunDog, on February 04, 2000 12:18 PM

Hail fellow warriors. I was USNA class of 85', then USS IOWA (BB-61) from 86' - 89', then taught ensigns how to survive at NSCS, Athens, GA 89' -91', then went CIVLANT. cheers.- Bruce T
Posted by:
feersum_drd_not, on February 04, 2000 9:04 AM

Enlisted in the US Army Jan 70 as a private. basic, basic leadership, infantry AIT, Non Commissioned Officer Candidate (shake and bake) Diverted enroute to Vietnam and served on the DMZ in Korea (hostile fire tour). 72-74 served in, 101st Airborne as an infantry squad leader and Platoon Sergeant went to BNCOC, Korea 74-75 as a squad leader and platoon sergeant, drill sergeant 75-77 went to ANCOC, Hawaii 77- 80 division operations sergeant, Transfer to Ft Benning went to airborne and ranger school, direct commission to 1st Lieutenant, went to IOAC then to Ft Bragg 5th special forces group 81-83, 24th Inf Div Mech Inf Battalion S1, Ft Bragg 85-87 Spec Ops, Korea 87-88 Infantry Company Commander, Ft Bragg 88-91 Spec Ops Company Commander Just Cause and Desert Shield/Desert Storm. May 91 retired a Major of Infantry after 21 years.
Klintoon as commander and chief has sold our country out and has made us more vulnerable to war and unprepared for it than anytime in my lifetime. Freedom day is Nov 2000 remember that and vote for the republicans of your choice.
Posted by:
disaster master, on February 07, 2000 10:36 AM EST

Retired from the Army February 1, 1993 after 22 years of service. Army Aviator. Scouts out! Refused my retirement certificate due to the fact that it would have been signed by Clinton. Bush Sr. let us do it right in Desert Shield/Storm. We weren't going to let our Viet Vet brothers and sisters down. We didn't.
Posted by:
Plaid, on February 06, 2000 11:57 PM EST

1973; enlisted United States Air Force; Trained ECM equipment repair for U-2 and SR-71; Assigned 100 SRW Davis Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ 1974 -1976, 9 SRW Beale AFB 1976-1977, Airmen Education and Commitioning Program, 1977-1979, Officer Training School Grad: August 1979; Assigned Robins AFB, Material Management Heliocopter avionics 1979-1981; Air Force Institute of Technology 1981-1982; Foreign Technology Division (Currently NAIC) 1982-1986, Ballistic Missile Office; 1986-1990, Air Force Intelligence Support Agency, Pentagon 1990-1993; At the Pentagon, I assessed Iragi Integrated Air Defense System and Iraqi Electronic Warfare capabilities during Desert Shield/Storm and advised Air Force Chief of Staff on such. Afterwards, assessed worldwide high-power microwave and nuclear weapons capabilities. Retired March 1, 1993, RanK: Major.
Served proudly under the very capable leadership of Presidents Reagan and Bush, Cap Weinberger, and Dick Chaney. Those were the days when leadership cared about its service people and decisions were made in the interest of National Defense as opposed to social engineering. I never was a "grunt" but always a "techie". My philosophy was to develop the Best weapon systems in the world so we will never have to go to war again. But if we did, we must win. Currently, I am a civilian contractor for the defense industry and hold to the same philosophy.
Posted by:
IRONMAN, on February 08, 2000 07:54 AM EST

I volunteered in August 1942 in the Navy at the age of 17 yrs(a minority enlistment,meaning I would be discharged at age 21) and got an honorable discharge 3 weeks late. I served in the Atlantic,Carribean theatre's and the Pacific theatre. I started as apprentis seaman and was discharged as a Shipfitter 2/class.
Posted by:
todamn, on February 10, 2000 04:11 PM EST

Navy Vet, 61-65,GrtLks, NASPNCLAFLA (Sherman Field, FIIG line)CVA-62, USS INDEPENDENCE(Air Dept..Aerology,then V-2,Arrest.gear) 64-65 Then TX to CVS-15, USS Randolph 2/65- 5/65 due to insufficient ACDU time remaining to go to Tonkin Gulf onboard INDY. We have three children who are Marines, a WM/SGT( 10 yr vet), a son(CPL, Gulf War era Vet) and a LCPL presently active duty, who is prior Navy E-4 AD/VF142, USS IKE, Gulf War Vet. We love our country and are proud to have served as many of our family has back to the Rev. War. We appreciate all of those who have served to enable us to have our FREEDOM, as well as those who have made the SUPREME SACRIFICE. WELCOME HOME BROTHERS AND SISTERS! God bless you all! We have not forgotten.
Posted by:
Flightdecker, on February 20, 2000 01:21 AM EST

My husband didn't go to 'Nam, but he trained the men who repaired the engines of the planes that did so much over there. We are retired USAF, 1950-1970. It is a great 'love' when you give of yourself for those unknown to you and ones like all of our grandchildren. It is why we have stayed safe, until Clinton got in. I understand the Commies have alway said they would destroy us from within. Is this where Clinton comes in???? I wonder! The military is like a body, it takes everyone, altogether, to make the whole, and that is how the military should operate. ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE.
Posted by:
mthead, on February 04, 2000 at 07:55 AM EST

USNR NAVCIC School, Glenco, Brunswick Ga. 6/56-3/58. Never took any fire, but this old man would TODAY if necessary. God bless those of you who did and God bless America.
Posted by:
JAllan, on March 01, 2000 2:51 AM EST

Thank you for doing this. Mike, 29 years - 1 month -25 days..Air Force, Viet Nam, Panama, Saudi Arabia (and other stops), a whole bunch of other wonderful places and people. My pleasure to serve. Again, thanks guy! Mike in Mississippi...
Posted by:
Miceal, on March 24, 2000 10:04 AM EST

Thank you, Daddy! He was a Tank Commander and a Captain in the U.S. Army. He served in WWII and Korean War. I love all you veterans who have risked your lives to serve this country and to protect us all. You are all heroes to me!
Posted by:
JanineC, on May 26,2000 at 08:00 PM EST

My family too, has a long history of military service. My husband served as an Air Force Captain and has a Vietnam service medal, my two brothers served as Officers in the Navy. My uncle served in WWI and my husbands uncle served on Guadalcanal. My Dad was in the Pentagon during WWII. Many more on a long family list.
Posted by:
Siobhan, on May 26,2000 at 10:52 PM EST

My father-in-law was a wonderful man. He flew supplies to the troops during WWII on. He would never talk about it. He also flew the American judges to the Nuremburg trials. He wouldn't talk about that either...I could sense that he wanted to, but he couldn't.
Thank you for allowing me to remember this great man and all of you who have sacrificed so that we may live in this great country! Posted by :
Bluebonnet, on May 27,2000 at 12:34 AM EST

.My father: USCG, Lt.(jg) commanding an escort ship, North Atlantic, Philippines, and New Guinea.
For him, my uncles who fought across 4 seas, at Iwo Jima and in Korea, and those I knew who did not come back from Vietnam. For my Grandfather, one of the select few Marine aviators in WW I.
For my Great Grandfather, who died in Cuba, 1898.
God Bless 'em all and keep the flame alive, everyone.
Glad to see that amid the beer and barbeque this weekend, at least some citizens will take the time to remember that this is not just a day off from work. And how many in this nation even knew that last Saturday was Armed Forces Day? Posted by :
Gtex, on May 27,2000 at 01:55 AM EST

I salute my family who served.
My Father who served in the Pacific WWII and Korea, Uncle Harry who was lost when his P-51 went down in the English channel 5Jun44 returning from a mission.
Cousin Eimer KIA Omaha beach 6Jun44.
Great Uncle Marrion KIA Meuse-Argonne WWI.
Cousin Bill KIA Korea.
My Great-Great Grandfather who rode with General Sterling Price C.S.A.
My Mother's family who served in the 42th "Blackwatch" highland regiment in both World Wars, many who "sleep in Flanders Fields".
My ancient ancestors who fought with William Wallace and Robert the Bruce.
My friends in the 27th inf./25th div. RVN rest well Wolfhounds.
Posted by :
Highlander, on May 27,2000 at 02:01 AM EST

On this Memorial Day weekend, this Vietnam Vet. will, as always, be remembering my late Army Infantry Col. father, the people he served with on D-Day and the other brave people who have sacrificed for their country.
I will have special thoughts for the man my parents honored me by giving me his name. His name was Lt. Donald Wilson. Dad had the highest regard for his character and for the brave manner in which he gave his life for freedom, during the Normandy Invasion. He lies today, forever young, in a Cemetery near the Normandy beach where he and so many others were killed.
In their honor, I would like to share a quote from a great American journalist who was later killed by Japanese machine gun fire on a Pacific Island:

"In this column I want to tell you what the opening of the second front entailed, so that you can know and appreciate and forever be humbly grateful to those both dead and alive who did it for you."

- Ernie Pyle, June 1944

Posted by :
DPB, on May 27, 2000 06:23 PM EST

Can I take this opportunity to salute my Father, who died last summer? Dad was a fighter pilot in WWII and the Korean War. Dad flew many missions in both wars to keep America free. I miss you, Dad.
Posted by:
TrueAmerican, on May 27, 2000 7:18 PM EST

I would like to salute...
My great grandfather...served in the US Cavalry, serving proudly at FT.Yates, North Dakota....trying to keep the peace between the white settlers, and the indians...
My grandfather...served in the US Army during WW1
My Uncle...served in the US Navy in the Pacific during WW11
My father...served in the US Army from 1940-1945...was the navigator on the planes flying from the west coast to drop supplies and pick up wounded from the Phillipines, Burma....I proudly hold his silver stars and purple medal...his best childhood bud went down on the Arizona...
My husbands father...served in the US Army during WW11...was among the first troops to land at Normandy...he survived, but was mentally ill from all he saw and experienced...remained so until he died two years ago...
My husband older uncle...served in the US Navy during WW11 in the Pacific...
My husbands younger uncle...served in the US Army in Korea...
And my dear hubby...who is now in his 26th year of serving in the US Army..he served 10 years full time, and in his 16th year of Reserves...
In memory of my dads good buddy who died on the Arizona...I dont know his full name...just the last which is Rowe...thanks...
God Bless all our fine patriots...
Posted by:
andysmom, on May 26, 2000 8:00 PM EST

My cousin: Sgt. Francis P. Ford
Sgt. 134th Infantry 35th Division
Dec. 9, 1944
He lies in the Lorraine American Cemetary, St. Avold, France
Thanks, Sarge!
Here's to Uncle Steve: Flew a B-17 over Germany, a B-29 over Korea, ended as a short Colonel with SAC maintenance wing.
Uncle Jim: LSI at D-Day
Uncle Bud: Medical corpsman in the South Pacific.
Dad: Who made the machine tools to make the weapons.
Here's to:
William "Bud" Morrisey. 347th Combat Engineers and the 817th Tank Destroyer Batallion. Northwest Europe 6/29/44 to 5/06/45. Every now and then he scratches at his arm from the phosphorus burns.
The bodies were still in the water when he landed.
Headed for the Pacific when that war ended.
Thanks, Bud, my favorite next door neighbor.
Here's a strange one: when I got the picture of the cemetery in Lorraine where my cousin is buried, I took it in to show Bud. What does he do? He pulls out the map he had on the campaign in Europe, his entire itinerery penciled in, and what's even stranger, he had gone through the town where the American cemetery was located.
Posted by:
Dadoo2, on May 26, 2000 11:01 PM EST

Paternal Uncle's GG Grandfather: Served in George Washington's Army of the Potomac. After the War, General Washington came to visit him in the little town of Rising Sun, Maryland. He was a tailor, and insisted on making a suit for his beloved General. (Documented in the Cecil (County) Whig newspaper).
Maternal Grandfather: US Army Infantry. Served in WWI.
Father: US Army Engineers (RET.) Served in WWII in the Phillipines and the Ocupation of Japan. Still living.
Maternal Uncle: US Army Infantry. WWII; survivor (sort of) of Bataan Death March and Prison Camp in Japan.
Maternal Uncle: US Army Quartermaster Corps. Served in WWII.
Paternal Uncle: US Army Infantry. WWII; served in France. Still living.
Oldest Brother: US Army Infantry. Served in WWII, and was one of it's most decorated soldiers. (Documented by his medals, and UPI, AP, and other wire services of the time). Served in France and Germany. Was a participant in the first ever successful military trek over the Vosges' into Germany. Was among the American and British troops who liberated Bergen- Belson Concentration Camp. (We still have the grim pictures taken there, for the benefit of any holocaust deniers lurking here). Served in Vietnam War. as advisor to a SV Army Infantry Battalion. Died of a particularly virulent and swift Melanoma, believed to have been caused by Agent Orange. He was my champion and defender to my parents. LOL. I will never stop missing him acutely. He was buried in Arlington, with full Military Honors, including a Riderless Caisson.
Brother: US Army Artillary (RET.). Served in Korea and Vietnam War. Still living.
Brother: US Army Artillary (RET.) Served in Vietnam War, and commanded Nike Missile Batteries. Still living.
Thank you for your patience. I've exhausted myself, and I didn't even get to cousins and nephews, etc. Memorial Day means a whole lot to me.
Posted by:
MAB2, on May 27, 2000 1:56 AM EST

My brother, Cpl. James D. Vick II.
He served in the Marines from 1985-1988. He was on a training exercise with the weapons and tactics instructor course. Two helicopters collided in mid-air killing all ten on both. This happened in Arizona on the Barry Goldwater Gunnery Range on October 25, 1988. He was 21. He was stationed at Camp Pendleton. Thank God he got to come home to Tennessee the summer before he died. James loved the Marine Corps. God Bless You.
I know he would want me to say Semper Fi.
Posted by:
TITANSgal, on May 28, 2000 6:03 PM EST

A special thanks to all our great Hero's on this Memorial Day. Thank you father, the battle of Midway has left you with so many emotional scars (his ship was hit by 0's, 15 of his close friends were killed just yards from were he stood).
Posted by:
Nra4ever_usa, on May 29, 2000 at 8:40 AM EST

RVN - Army 9th Inf. Div. , then, after the withdrawal, 7th ARVN Div. - III and IV Corps, class of 68-69.
Mom: WWII Army surgical nurse - South Pacific, Borneo, Philippines
Dad: WWII Navy LST Captain - South Pacific
They met in Luzon and were married at the foot of Mt. Fujiama, and moved to Kansas to raise a family. Two decades later...
Posted by:
Indypundit , on May 29, 2000 at 10:19 AM EST

In honor of my Dad:
USN in WWII- On board the USS Porterfield as it sank in the Pacific but survived. USAF- 1948-1970 Vietnam '65-'66
Thanks to all of our Vets who went, like men, not whining, standing tall, doing what had to be done. Thanks, guys.
Posted by:
Dilligaf , on May 29, 2000 at 11:07 AM EST

I was only 4 years old when my 18 year old brother was drafted into WW2. He had never been away from most were the same. He spent 4 years in the Army and was a medic in the Battle of the Buldge. He returned to us without a scratch, but mentally and emotionaly...he was never the same.I remember when I was 10 years old, he with his bare hands tore down his bedroom wall in his sleep. We never knew the demons he had in his head....he would never speak of the war.He never married and would spend sometimes weeks in deep thought that no one could penetrate. He would then go out on a drunken binge for several days to only return and the cycle would start again.
I buried him 15 years ago. It was only after his death that I discovered he was the recipient of 4 bronze stars. I know your sacrifices. We are most grateful to all of you who served our country. I honor all of you!
Posted by:
Jen , on May 29, 2000 at 11:59 PM EST

I'd like to pay tribute to my Great Great Great Grandfather, 2LT John R. Bowling, in the Arkansas Infantry, taken prisoner, dying in a Yankee prison camp, leaving only one daughter, and a devastated wife, who never remarried.
Posted by:
Redboots , on May 29, 2000 at 3:34 PM EST

Prayers for my father in law who served in WWI and watched three of his sons serve in active duty in WWII, one being graduated from high school a half year early so he would be ready to go to Japan. Prayers for his fourth son, my husband, who enlisted during Viet Nam. These men set the example for my son, aged 25, who just returned from four years of serving his country so we all may enjoy our freedom. Blessings to all the vets!
Posted by:
JAN , on May 29, 2000 at 7:58 PM EST

In memoriam and recognition:
My older Brother, David, US Army.
My oldest Brother, Jesse, US Army.
My Father, Clay, USN, South Pacific.
My Uncle Bill, US Army, Europe.
My Father-in-law, Arthur, USCG, Alaska.
My Grandpa Arnold, USAF and POW, Europe, WWII.
My Grandpa Buck, WWI, The Ardenne.
My Mom, Betty, "Rosie the Riveter", built P51 fighters for North American.
My Grandpa Robert, Her Majesty's Armed Forces, England, WWI
I remember, some long after you are gone, I remember... and I teach my children to remember, also.
Posted by:
LCRW , on May 29, 2000 at 9:49 PM EST

In honor of my Dad. William George (Shorty) Stricker, Electricians Mate 3rd. See Bees, U.S.N.
I was only 3 when the Lord took you home, I kissed the stars and hugged the stripes but wished it was you instead.
Dad, I'm a Navy Wife now, Viet Nam just doesn't make sense, my husband’s leaving for his second tour, not crying I'll kiss your flag again.
Grandpop, now this flag of your’s is getting a little tattered!
Great-grandpop, now at 31 you’re frozen in a time warp.
I feel a warm breeze on my face, I know it was your kiss and I know that you would be very proud of all that you have missed..We did it Dad!!!!
Love, Patti
Posted by:
Beckums , on May 29, 2000 at 5:21 AM EST

I would like to salute my Uncle David who died last Friday. He was in the Pacific during W.W.II. He was in the Phillipines and New Guinea that I know of. He was Sgt. David Foss, 204 Ord. Co. MM . I got this off an envelope that I have saved. I wrote to him during the war, (I was about 7 years old) and he really liked getting these letters from me. I wish I still had some of his.
There was an honor guard from the VFW and a beautiful ceremony at the funeral. That was the first time I had ever seen this.
Posted by:
Mrs. Ivy, on May 27, 2000 at 12:17 AM EST

To have six brothers who served in three branches of the service makes me inordinately proud. King Lear says, in Act V, iii, "Upon such sacrifices, my Cordelia, The gods themselves throw incense."
James Costantino: US Navy
Gerald Costantino: US Army
Anthony Costantino: US Army
Peter Costantino: US Army
Joseph Costantino: US Army, Major, Ret.
Salvatore Costantino: US Air Force
Nicholas Costantino: my nephew, son of Joseph, graduated from West Point and attained the rank of Captain before leaving the service.
Posted by:
Quintas, on May 30, 2000 at 3:36 PM EST

My father (who is now 79) served in the Army during WWII, he was in France and I think was with an engineer group as a mechanic. They were building and repairing a road across France, and part of his job at times was overseeing a group of German POW's who were glad to have food and be treated decently. My father and all of his four brothers are veterans, all but one from WWII, the youngest served in Korea. One of the uncles was a paratrooper who was dropped behind enemy lines on D Day, he remembers hearing Germans talking all around him as he hid during the night. A year or so ago, he flew in a plane to visit my parents, and said that was the first time he had ever landed IN a plane.

That is all I know about these guys and their activities, they don't talk much about their memories. They are all now in their late 70's and early 80's. My uncle who was the paratrooper is, right now, as I type this, in an intensive care unit after heart surgery and not doing well. I would appreciate any prayers for him and my father, since this ordeal is especially hard on Daddy. These two guys have been very close, especially for the past 15 years, fishing and adding on to my parent's retirement home. Uncle Ed is a crusty old bugger who tells it like it is, and likes to fish and hunt, and carved beautiful duck carvings and decoys. I have a wooden spoon that he made for me that is a work of art, but he'd be really embarrassed and mad that I am mentioning any of this about him. None of these guys are the kind to toot their own horns. That's why I am doing it for them, I am very proud of my Daddy and all of his brothers.
Posted by:
Mrs. P, on June 1, 2000 at 8:24 AM EST

My Dad was in WWII in the Army - Landed at Omaha Beach, fought through France, Holland, Belgium, Germany - Battle of the Bulge, others. I was in the USMC in Vietnam. He never talked to me about his war, I never talked to him about mine. He's been gone for years now. God, how I wish we had talked about it. I miss you Dad. I have his purple heart in a case along with mine. I never knew what the circumstances were that caused him to earn his. I'll never know. He knew what happened to me, though, and I'll never forget the tears he shed when I came home.
Posted by:
Denver, on June 6, 2000 at 1:12 AM EST

Member of the 128th Assault Helicopter Co. (Tomahwks & Gunslingers), Phu Loi, RVN, Aug 67 - Sept 68.
Posted by:
csmvjm, on May 26, 2000 at 11:57 AM EST

My grandfather, Reubin: US Army
My father, Malcolm: US Navy, served on USS New Jersey
My uncle, Donald: US Air Force
My uncle, Gene: US Army
My uncle, Russell: US Army
My uncle, Adelbert: US Navy
My uncle, Jim: US Air Force
My cousin, Dick: US Navy
My cousin, Rick: US Marines
On this day, the Fourth of July, 2000, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the brave men of my family and others, both living and dead, who selflessly served this great nation to secure it's freedoms won with blood, sweat, and tears so many years ago on this very day. May God bless their souls.
Posted by:
Monitor, on July 4, 2000 at 4:46 PM EST

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