Tammika - May is twenty years old and comes from the town of Bridgend, South Wales, UK. Tammika loves to sing and has used her vocal talents for several years raising funds to help various Children's Charities.
She sings a new song called THROUGH THE THUNDER on a recently released CD. The proceeds she receives from the sale of the CD will be donated to Children in Need! Here are the words and an excerpt of the song for your perusal (music and lyrics written by Chris Burke) Chris joins her in the second mix of the song on the CD as a truly wonderful bonus! Both this website and song are dedicated to the children around the world, with a sincere desire that somewhere an abused child may find hope, with our help, for a happier life.
Let us not forget that a hundred years from now, it will not matter what our bank account was, the sort of house we lived in, or the kind of clothes we wore; but the world may be much different, because we were important in the life of a child!