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Eyes in the Dark


Well, that seemed to clear things up for now. . . but Jack was still confused as to why he was brought here. But things would unfold when the need arrived.

They continued on through the long, very long, corridors of the labyrinth. Little time was engaged in conversation, and occasionally Jack thought of Lily. He wondered what had become of her, but there was nothing he could do about that now. After all, it seemed she had forgotten about him too.

Suddenly, one of the stones in the path that made up the labyrinth floor gave way and cracked open right underneath Jack. He went tumbling down a dark chasm, but luckily he was acustomed to jumping in and out of trees, and he landed on two feet. But still darkness surrounded him and he could not see a hand in front of his face . . . .


"Jack!!!" Oona flew after Jack into the black gaping hole "Jack, are you alright? Jack?" she asked the darkness beneath her when she flew down, her voice was full of concern, her thoughts a whirlpool *What happened? Where is Jack? Is he alright . . . .*


"WELL," Jareth said from the blackness of the oubliette, letting his voice echo so that it would appear to the new arrivals as though the very walls were speaking, "WHAT HAVE WE HERE?"


Jack turned swiftly at the sound of the voice. It seemed to come from all ends of the cave. It was much too dark for him to see, except for the faint light Oona gave off.

Jack stood up as the voice stopped, and looked about. "Well, whoever you are, would you mind getting us out of here?"


Hearing Jack's voice Oona sighed with relief, flying over to where his voice had come from she found him standing, unharmed, wanting to say something Oona opened her mouth but quickly shut it again, not excactly knowing who or what else was here.


In the heavy cloak of darkness, Jareth laughed quietly, an unsettling rummble that revirbrated nicely in the close confines of the oubliette.

"Brave words." He remarked quietly, still throwing his voice. "But also presumtious of you. You are clearly not understanding the position you are in. Who are you? And what are you doing here?"


Oona mastering her fear a bit decided it would be best to find out first who else was here so she started flying around the oubliette, searching for the other person present.

"I'm Oona and who might you be?"


Jareth grinned wolfishly as the faerie's light settled upon his face, casting his features in sharp planes and shadows.

"Someone with far more right to be here than you, little one." he demurred, mockingly refusing to answer her question. "So, now that I have the pleasure of your proper name, what of you friend?"


"I'm Jack, and about being down here. If I knew how or why I was here, I would tell you, but since I don't I guess your just going to have to take our word for it, and let us out." said Jack with confidence. He destested dark confined places.


"Well, Jack," Jareth began, tilting his head to the side, and hiking one eybrow inquisitively, "The fact of the matter is that I needn't do anything that does not please me. And as of now, I see no reason why I should help you excape from this place. The Labyrinth is full of dangers as well as delights, and one must be prepared to face either . . . especially when one enters uninvited. Were I in your place, I might consider speaking with a more civil tongue. You are in no position to demand anything from me, Jack, most especially not my assistance."


Jack was beginning to get frustrated. He hated dark confined places, they always reminded him of the gloomy dungeon he had been trapped in with Gump and the others in Darkness' fortress. But he knew that if he did not co-operate with this man, whoever he may, the chance of getting out would be very slim.

"My humbliest apologies," said Jack with a bow. Yes, there was a gentlemen lurking within him, "I apologize if I demanded, but I am a stranger in a strange land, and perhaps you would know what it is like to be a stranger and not know how you came here. But may I ask, how long do you plan to keep us down here."

Jack glanced at Oona, who seemed quite shocked that he was being polite.

On to 'Baffling Circumstances: Eyes in the Dark'
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